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  • in reply to: Scratched Glass #48536

    Scudie – I sent you an email with the files although you should be able to copy and paste the ones above a jpeg file and print to the correct size. May take some trial and error as I don’t recall if I used the “fit to page” and/or borderless options when I did them.

    in reply to: Scratched Glass #48483

    Oops… These are priced like you have yours set up:

    • This reply was modified 4 years ago by Sooner.
    in reply to: Scratched Glass #48482

    in reply to: Scratched Glass #48481

    Here are some others I made up for a friend who wanted vintage “advertisements” instead of pricing and instructions…


    in reply to: Scratched Glass #48480

    I printed the ones above on 4×6 photo paper. Don’t recall if it was borderless and/or “fit to page” or not.

    in reply to: Scratched Glass #48479

    in reply to: Scratched Glass #48466

    Scudie –  Glossy photocopy paper works great to replace the black labels. I have jpeg files too if you need.

    in reply to: Scratched Glass #48458

    Randy – I use a 20 ohm 5 watt resistor in front of the coin relays although I think a 10 ohm would also work and probably reduce the buzzing “chatter” when the relays are engaged.

    Scudie – I’ve always found the credit unit to be the most troublesome to adjust and usually need a good cleaning.  Good to have one in proper working order to refer too. I’m pretty sure it’s been responsible for incorrect selections too, although I’m not sure why. Also I just bypass the stupid audio cutoff relay and call it good.   🙂


    in reply to: [Résolu / Solved] Availability #47821
    in reply to: Max wattage of built in amplifier on wallboxtomp3 2017 #47650

    No problem

    in reply to: Max wattage of built in amplifier on wallboxtomp3 2017 #47614

    i believe the built in amp is 3 watts max, depending on the input voltage. There’s a spec sheet posted somewhere with a power output diagram.

    in reply to: Wallbox2mp3 – seeburg Sc1 #47572

    For albums you need to create mp3 files with multiple songs instead of a single song. An audio editing program is needed to accomplish that.

    in reply to: SD cards #47278

    There are some error codes associated with the number of red led flashes listed in the user manual. Also these units can be damaged if voltage is too high. I had one that came with a defective power adapter that had 10 volt output instead of 5 volts. It permanently damaged my unit to where it came on for a few seconds and then powered itself off.  I assume a voltage spike might cause similar problems.

    in reply to: Remote cancell switch #47070

    Yes.  I just opened up the file (don’t remember if it was a jpeg or png) in Paint and edited it. Then saved it without changing the name. When I saved it it asked if I wanted to replace the extisting file (I think) and automatically updated it in the JAVA program. I think I was using WinRAR to get to the file?

    in reply to: Remote cancell switch #47068

    Yes, but it’s been a while so my memory is a little fuzzy. I think I opened the file with WinRAR using “Paint” and when I saved it, the JAVA file was automatically updated. I know you have to use the existing file (can’t add a new file or rename an old one). I changed the yellow background to red but it’s still listed as red in the program.

    in reply to: Remote cancell switch #47065

    The switch on the left looks like the ones I’ve been getting off ebay. I’ve had problems with them too. Really flimsy design. I’ve screwed more than one while soldering the connections.

    in reply to: Speaker choice >>4 ohm vs 8 ohm for V1. 5?? #46973

    Mike – I think the 50 watt per channel Bluetooth amp you’re looking at has way too much power for drive in speakers. I have an 8 watt/channel amp in my drive in speakers and it is more powerful than I would like.

    in reply to: Speaker choice >>4 ohm vs 8 ohm for V1. 5?? #46967

    Not sure what the speaker specs are for the new audio amp but I suspect they’re similar to the old PAM8403 chips.  Those were slightly more efficient with 8 ohms but you get almost twice as much power from 4 ohm speakers:

    I don’t think the volume difference would be very noticeable between 4 and 8 ohms. The built-in speakers in the Seeburg SC boxes are over 30 ohms and they’re plenty loud with the older amps.


    in reply to: [SOLVED] rock ola 507 #46954

    On my Seeburg SCs I connect the speaker output directly to the speakers/volume control buttons so I disconnect power to the relay. Looks like the relay on the Rock Ola is modular so maybe you could just remove it?

    in reply to: [SOLVED] rock ola 507 #46951

    You could probably bypass it if you don’t need to have the speakers disconnected.

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