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  • in reply to: Seeburg 3WA Wallbox2mp3 freeplay #48667

    Thanks Skudie

    the wiper arm had stopped too early, so manually turning it to its stop position released the buttons 👍

    Selecting another track had the same issue and it seemed to be binding, so I’ve applied a small amount of sewing machine oil to the gears and that seems to have sorted it 😀

    Thanks for the advice

    in reply to: Seeburg 3WA Wallbox2mp3 freeplay #48664

    Hi Guys 🙂

    I’ve just completed the conversion of this box and everything was working perfectly.

    However, when my wife selected a track earlier both the letter and number buttons are stuck in and I can’t seem to release them. I’ve tried gently pressing on other buttons but to no avail as they seem well and truly stuck.

    Is there something simple I can check or do to release the buttons ?

    Many thanks

    in reply to: Seeburg 3WA Wallbox2mp3 freeplay #48375

    Hi Scudie

    I bought from a local UK source 😊

    I paid £500 including next day delivery

    It looks like it’s been owned by an individual since 2004 and has service stamps from that year by a London based Juke Box specialist company as it has service stickers inside from that year.

    The only odd thing with it was that it had been modified with a wire soldered (visible in photo)<span style=”-webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);”> t</span>o prevent the last two title pages being turned and the related buttons had bolts behind them to prevent them being pressed. However, I believe this is normal I’d the unit had been connected to a jukebox with only 160 track selections. I’ve removed the bolts and wire.

    I can’t see any obvious modifications for freeplay.

    Cheers, Simon

    • This reply was modified 4 years ago by simong_uk.
    in reply to: Seeburg 3WA Wallbox2mp3 freeplay #48368

    Thanks Scudie

    I bought the box in the end – I paid over the odds for it, but it’s in almost perfect condition 😁

    So far, everything seems to be working well mechanically and the good news is that it appears to already be configured for free play 😊👍

    Now I just need to find stock of some 1.5 boards to do the conversion



    in reply to: [Solved] Packard Pla-Mor Set-Up Issues #48356

    Hi Guys

    I just wanted to update you on the issues I had with the tracks not playing in the correct order and track 24 always being blank.

    This has now been resolved thanks to Gaelle kindly sending me a 1.5 board, so there was either a bug in the 1.4 code or I had a faulty board.

    All 24 tracks now play and in the correct order.

    As the 1.5 board is slightly smaller I tried to fit it inside the Pla-Mor but failed …… it’s just slightly too big. So the cards mounted externally on the back again.

    Thanks again for everyone’s help 🙂👍

    in reply to: [Solved] Packard Pla-Mor Set-Up Issues #48205

    Thanks Klaatu 😊

    I’m pretty sure it’s located correctly as the the locator screw on the shaft is seated correctly and I think this would rule out it being too far to the right.

    However, you’ve given me an idea re the tracks playing in the wrong place ……. I’m wondering if at some point in the past the drum had been removed and when re-assembled it got turned 180 degrees …… or is the screw hole in the shaft only on one side making that impossible ?

    in reply to: [Solved] Packard Pla-Mor Set-Up Issues #48204

    Hi Scudie

    Thanks for the feedback 😊

    Ive not configured the SD card for any random play and I’m using the 4Gb card that came with the emulator card, so not a micro SD.

    Hopefully I’ll receive the 1.5 board in the new year, so it will be interesting to see if that resolves the issue.

    in reply to: [Solved] Packard Pla-Mor Set-Up Issues #48200

    in reply to: [Solved] Packard Pla-Mor Set-Up Issues #48199

    OK, here s a few photo’s of the finished project.

    I’ve mounted it on a wooden plinth and fitted two momentary switches – The left one is the Reject and the right one with the 1940’s coin in the free-play button.

    I failed at fitting the emulator board inside the unit as even though it would just about fit, it was obstructing the lock mechanism and metal locator lugs on the inside left/right of the front cover.

    In the end I mounted it on the rear of the cover using Powerflex Superglue which seems to be holding it better than I expected – I was concerned about drilling holes through the rear.

    I’ve also fitted a Bluetooth transmitter unit and purchased a retro bluetooth speaker (See photo) and this seems to work well. I did try powering the transmitter of the 5V on the emulator card but I ended up getting loud buzzing so opted to power it of an additional Amazon USB power adapter.

    Finally, I added a jukebox track selector sound effect to the beginning of each track to make the selection process sound a little more authentic

    This was my first attempt at a callbox conversion, and other than the still unresolved issue of tracks not playing in the correct order I’m pretty happy with how it turned out 🙂

    in reply to: [Solved] Packard Pla-Mor Set-Up Issues #48198

    Thanks Randy

    that’s a good suggestion ….. the odd thing is that the tracks are only reversed of the first 12 tracks or so, then the remaining tracks re in the correct order

    in reply to: [Solved] Packard Pla-Mor Set-Up Issues #48188

    I meant to also thank you for your help on this issue 🙂

    Have a great Xmas & New Year

    in reply to: [Solved] Packard Pla-Mor Set-Up Issues #48186

    Hi Randy – Update for you .. I removed all of the existing resistors, tightened all selector post nuts, installed a new set of resistors including replacing the one attached to the wire hidden in the insulation. Things have greatly improved in that 23 of the 24 tracks now play consistently in the same positions. However, the track numbers on the SD card still don’t match with the tracks played by the selector positions, ie 1 plays 23, 2 plays 22, 3 plays 21 etc and track 24 still doesn’t play anything. I’m therefore suspecting something’s not right with emulator card or the software used the copy the tracks the to memory card, but I’ve given up trying to 100% fix for now as I’ve run out of time to fix before Xmas. Gaelle has said they will send me a 1.5 board, so I’ll see if that fixes the issue once and for all, but for now I’m happy that it plays 23 of the 24 tracks and I’ve just moved the track cards around to reflect where the songs actually play …. this is fine, but I still want to fix.

    The conversions still not 100% complete as I’ve ordered a 1941 5 cent coin which I’m going to bond to the freeplay button – I’ll upload some photos on the box this evening 🙂

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by simong_uk.
    in reply to: [Solved] Packard Pla-Mor Set-Up Issues #48172

    Thanks Randy

    Ive ordered some new resistors from Amazon which should be here tomorrow – if I get time tomorrow evening I’ll replace all of the resistors again and report back.

    in reply to: [Solved] Packard Pla-Mor Set-Up Issues #48161

    Thank you Randy

    Struggled to get the drum off so gave up in the end.

    Currently the tracks play as follows ….

    1. =23
    2. =22
    3. =21
    4. =20
    5. =19
    6. =18
    7. =17
    8. =16
    9. =15
    10. =14
    11. =12 (Track 13 missing !)
    12. =10
    13. =9
    14. =9 (repeated)
    15. 8
    16. =7
    17. =6
    18. =5
    19. =4
    20. =3
    21. =3 (repeated)
    22. =2
    23. =1
    24. = Doesn’t play any track

    I’ve re-checked the voltages at the emulator card (gnd & signal) and they read as follows;

    1. 0.2v
    2. 0.44
    3. 0.65
    4. 0.86
    5. 1.08
    6. 1.29
    7. 1.5
    8. 1.71
    9. 1.92
    10. 2.13
    11. 2.34
    12. 2.55
    13. 2.77
    14. 2.77
    15. 2.98
    16. 3.19
    17. 3.34
    18. 3.61
    19. 3.82
    20. 4.03
    21. 4.12
    22. 4.33
    23. 4.54
    24. 4.75

    Interestingly, the voltages at selections 13& 14 and 20 & 21 are very similar which would explain why the tracks repeat

    I’ve tried measuring the resistance between each track selector post and these all read around 100 ohms, but if I measure from 1-2, 1-3, 1-4, 1-5 etc the value’s gradually increase until I get to 11, then there’s very little change until 14 when the value’s gradually start decreasing.

    I’m wondering if I should just replace all of the resisters and start again !?

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by simong_uk.
    in reply to: [Solved] Packard Pla-Mor Set-Up Issues #48156

    Hi Randy

    a bit of an update.

    I decided to glue the board to the rear of the wallbox as there was no way to mount it internally.

    I cleaned the selector contacts as best as I could without dismantling the unit (how do I remove the selector drum ? ) and I re-checked and tightened all resister and cable connections again but the issue has actually got worse now with the first 10 tracks being out by several positions, 2 tracks repeating in 2 positions, and nothing at all playing on selection 24 😩

    I’m going to rue-check the voltages again today, but feel I’m going around in circles with this issue and running out of time to fix before Xmas 🥺

    If the voltages check out ok again with 0.2v difference then what else would you suggest ? …. I notice that I’m only getting 4.67v max whereas you mentioned getting 5.38v, so could that be an issue ?

    in reply to: [Solved] Packard Pla-Mor Set-Up Issues #48141

    OK, I’ve made some progress 🙂

    I checked the resisters and one tone between 8 & 9 was giving a reading only half that all other showed so I assumed it was faulty. However, after loosening & re-tightening the connection it was reading fine.

    Now all selections give a 0.2v variance, so 1 gives 0.2v and 24 is giving 4.7v.

    Tracks 4 to 24 now play correctly, however, tracks 1 to 3 are still not right and play as follows;

    • Track 1 plays track 2
    • Track 2 plays track 1
    • Track 3 plays track 4
    • Track 4 plays track 4

    I’m away for a couple of days, but at the weekend I’ll try remaking all the connection, but I’m still a bit baffled as they all appear to give the correct readings now !?

    On a different subject, has anyone managed to squeeze the emulator board inside of a Pla-Mor box ? ……. It looks very tight but I think it will just go, but I’ll need to make sure the lock mechanism doesn’t hit the card.

    Thanks again 🙂


    in reply to: [Solved] Packard Pla-Mor Set-Up Issues #48139

    Hi Randy

    Thanks again for the help.

    I’ve checked voltages on the card as per your instructions and generally back track selection changes to voltage by 0.2v.

    However, I there is a discrepancy on track 10 where the voltage only increases by 0.07v, as per the below ….

    1. 0.2
    2. 0.4
    3. 0.6
    4. 0.8
    5. 1.0
    6. 1.2
    7. 1.4
    8. 1.6
    9. 1.8
    10. 1.87
    11. 2.1
    12. 2.27
    13. 2.47
    14. 2.67
    15. 2.87
    16. 3.2
    17. 3.3
    18. 3.5
    19. 3.7
    20. 3.9
    21. 4.1
    22. 4.3
    23. 4.5
    24. 4.7

    I’m not an electrons expert, but would this indicate that one of the resisters is faulty on selector 8?

    in reply to: Packard MP3 not working correctly #48135

    @ Gemmy – Did you ever solve this problem as I have exactly the same issue with my unit ?

    in reply to: [Solved] Packard Pla-Mor Set-Up Issues #48134

    Thanks Randy

    ill re-check the voltages to see what range they’re in.

    with regards to it possibly being dirty contacts, that crossed my mind but the fact that the unit recognises the trance changes when the selector is turned would indicate that contacts being made …. the first 9 tracks just seem to be one place out.

    I was wondering if a faulty resister could be the issue, i.e. if one was not resisting any current could that cause the track positions to shift by one place ?

    I’ll do some further investigation and let you know the outcome

    in reply to: [Solved] Packard Pla-Mor Set-Up Issues #48132

    Yep, checked that and the voltage drops by around the same amount on each contact.
    noticed that one track doesn’t play at all even though I’ve confirmed it’s on the memory card and another seems to play in two positions –  its a bit odd

    I could cheat and just move the track cards around to match, but that doesn’t really fix the issue

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