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ParticipantThis is how I achieved working volume control buttons on a Seeburg SC 1-4 wallbox.
First of all this description is for models that have a speaker relay located behind the volume switches, the SCH models that take half dollar coins are slightly different and are not covered in this description. (They can be done)
First remove the screws that secure the switch unit and the single screw that secures the relay, the relay screw is accessed from the underside.
Then identify the two wires that Connect the switch unit to the relay these are normally green with a white trace and yellow with a white trace but can also be white with a green trace and white with a yellow trace.
For ease of access I un solder these two wires after noting their positions on the relay.
Take note of the speaker wire positions and disconnect the four speaker wires then loosen the screw on the large terminal block that is marked GRY there should be three wires, they are normally grey but could be white with a grey trace.
You should now have the volume switch completely free, on the underside of the volume switch you will see three pairs of resistors, The 2 ten ohm resistors (brown two black and grey/ silver stripe) are located at the low button end of the board these two resistors are connected to a common terminal which will also have a single grey or white and grey wire connected to it.
The 2 Ten ohm resistors have a brown two black and a silver stripe on them, if you hold the board lengthways with these two resistors closest to you there should be a yellow speaker wire on the left and the green speaker wire on the right.
You need to separate the 2 ten home resistors, I cut the left hand resistor as close to the soldered central connection as possible then solder a new length of wire to the free leg of the resistor, insulate it and then put a blob of glue (hot glue gun) to bridge the gap to the board to give it some stability.
Now remove the board from the mechanical section of the switch and clean all the terminals and there associated sliding contacts, these are on the opposite side of the board to the resistors.
Reassemble the cleaned and modified volume switch.
Now back to the three ground wires that were disconnected from the terminal block one will go to the right-hand speaker ground, one will be connected to the United modified ten ohm resistor, the third will go to the left-hand speaker ground.
The left-hand speaker ground wire needs to be separated from the other two and then paired with the new wire that was soldered to the left hand ten ohm resistor.
As there is insufficient space on the main terminal block for left hand speaker ground wire and its new 10 ohm resistor wire, I use the redundant coin switch terminal block this will have three wires which I remove and insulate, one red, one brown, one orange, that come from the coin switch, once removed the terminal block can be used for the left hand speaker ground.
Before re-fitting the components it’s worth taking the time to clean the contacts of the speaker relay, once cleaned I fit a small cable tie around the relay to hold the contracts permanently closed.
Once you have reassembled and reconnected the switch unit and the relay, including there associated wires the speaker wires from the wb2mp3 unit can be connected to their respective terminals on the two terminal blocks.Hope this helps Cheers Scudie.
ParticipantHello , Bonsoir
Yes you are correct the Seeburg consolettes use a common ground for both speakers, & this is not allowed with the wb2mp3 unit as the speaker grounds / negatives have to be kept separate.
I will post an explanation with photo’s during the weekend, my photos of this are on my phone which is not currently available.
Cheers Scudie
ParticipantBonjour Klaatu
Sorry to hear you have a similar problem with the background noise.
Also my apologies for having to respond in English. Moi Fracais is petite!
I was beginning to wonder if it was only me who had the noise. Will be interested to see if anyone finds the cause & even better if they can cure / remove this problem. I am not conversant with Packard Wallbox or its associated conversion electronics, I wonder if the two systems share the same amplifier? If it’s relevant how does your system behave when the cancel button is pressed?
Happy New Year
Participant[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="300"]
As it arrived[/caption]
Many Thanks to Gaëlle for the help in enabling photos to be uploaded easily.
The three photos above are of my first Seeburg SC consollete’s that was missing several parts, its lock and key, speakers , credit unit, coin mechanism & bulbs, these were all absent and some of the glass was broken.
It had been badly brush painted a nasty shade of brown.
ParticipantGood evening Fabien
It is good news that the forum is now working again, and also very good that you now have help in running things.
I have now fitted several wb2mp3 units into the inside of Seeburg SC 1-4 consollete’s that use the original speakers, also one inside a Rowe WRA 200 & another one inside a wooden box that contains all of the other necessary components, this has a pair of modern Sony speakers all of them have the same back ground hum.
Perhaps a photo on the forum of your suggested ground wire from the metal body to the ground connection on the wb2mp3 may help others experiencing the same problem.
Only one of them has had the external volume pot fitted as it was the first I had converted, I followed your idea from a YouTube video and fitted it to the coin entry plate at the top of the cover. Subsequently I figured out how to utilise the volume control switches that are part of the wallbox so did not require the external pot.
Cheers Scudie
ParticipantSorry to anyone who has just logged on and has looked at this expecting there to be photos of the project as it started, but due to my incompetence with computers, and the lack of any advice or tutorial on the subject I am afraid that there are no photos.
Cheers Scudie
ParticipantJust read your post I am away at the moment, but when I get back I will try my 3w1 on the system and see what occurs.
Have not previously tried it with the wallbox2mp3 system.
Cheers ScudieScudie
ParticipantHello I have similar issues with a Wurlitzer 5250 nothing happens for the last 30 selections T U & V selections 1- 10 , however when I checked the playlist against the wallbox I found that when A1 is selected it actually plays D1 so by the time it gets to S9 there are no more tracks left for T,U & V. Tried a different SD card this made no difference, tried it again but picked Wurlitzer 5210 this has made no difference will try it on a different wallbox this weekend.
Any suggestions?Scudie
ParticipantFinished the SC1 fitted the wallbox unit inside where the coin mech should be.
Fitted the external volume switch where the coin aperture is. Fitted a couple of Sony speakers that I had,All works great.
Started on another now won’t be having it powder coated!
Cheers ScudieScudie
Have you resolved your free play problem? If not I think I may be able to help.
Do you want it to have so many play selections for one press of you free play button, or do you want it to have constant free play without pressing the button?
Regards ScudieScudie
ParticipantHi Rob
Are you trying to build your play list manually ?
I used the software to import all the files in one go from a single folder, & have not tried to do it manually.
Doing it with the software is fairly easy even for me.
My only gripe would be if you were wanting to have the A side & B side both of the same artist ie like on a record,it is a slow and tedious job moving them about once they have been imported into the software.Cheers
ParticipantHi Vincent
I believe that the Dec unit is specific to the DEC wallbox
I am sure you will have to swap it.
ParticipantHave made progress with the SC1 & would like to put before & after photos on here but so far have not figured that out.
Had two pieces of glass cut at local glass merchant for one of the side glasses and the other for the small window adjacent to the coin slot. (Green house glass)
Masked the side glass out using other as a pattern and sprayed the inside with gold & black paint to achieve the same effect minus the script and logo as the original.
Rather than fitting the expensive #19 bulbs in the lid I have fitted a coloured led strip the system has various colours and modes.
The small piece of glass I applied a piece of green stick on vinyl, then cut out the word select in thin cardboard, now this is mounted behind the vinyl the word select illuminates in green.
It was missing speakers and grills so bought a Bose sound dock speaker grill off a well known auction site cut it to size & fixed in place with epoxy resin adhesive, cut some frames from 2mm aluminium plate to cover the edges of the grills.
Thinking of getting some graphics made to put on the case to try & hide some of the pock marks.
If any one can help with the photo’s on here give me a shout
Cheers ScudieScudie
ParticipantHello Alan
Thought you must have been busy, or abducted by aliens. Glad to hear that you have got one up and running. Have you left the other one with him?
Have managed to straighten the cover sufficiently to enable a trial rebuild the glass all fits now and I can fit it to the back plate so it can’t be too far out!
As I can’t figure how to post photos on here I have not put any on, I was going to ask Mike Andrews for your email if he still had it, but had not got around to asking him.
Cheers PaulScudie
ParticipantHello Alan
So have you bought the jukebox yet? Any news on the 506 507 repairs?
I think I have the hang of it now thanks to your advice I have managed to edit names of artists, and I have now got a folder with 200 tracks in it, I have mostly been able to organise the files in alphabetical order, thinking that when I imported the folder into the software that it would populate the play list in the same manner ie alphabetically, it just shows how wrong I can be as it mixes them up all over the shop. As I want to organise the songs as if they were A & B sides of a single it looks like it’s going to be a lot of mouse clicking to pair them all back up.
Where did you buy your 25v transformers? Did you get one like the one shown on here that looks like a doughnut, if so did it come with the mounting washers and insulated washer? I Have seen them in the RS catalogue but it doesn’t show any mountings insulated or otherwise.Scudie
ParticipantHello Alan
Thanks for the information will give it a go, sounds like you know what your doing with computers.
The 477 is a Jukebox isn’t it?
Why not if you have the room, mine sits in the conservatory it looks stunning in the dark when lit up (my opinion) only problem with them is you end up with the majority of the B sides that you don’t really want to listen to.Unless you are able to buy double a side records.
Have you seen the hideaway unit on eBay item number is 272522578529 is complete with a working 506/ 507 he has the hideaway in his atic.
Only bought the Consolette because it was cheap & I wanted another to play with when the 5250 is finished.Regards Paul
ParticipantHi Alan
I have done as you said an created a master music folder and have figuered how to put MP3 files into it & how to organise the files by artist name, which is making it easier to delete any duplicates that I have mistakenly put in there.
Do you know if is possible to edit the names of the artist when they are in the folder ?
I have had been in touch with Fabien about the issues I have encountered concerning the way that my wallbox pages are set out & that it does not match how it is set out in the software sounds like he has been very busy of late.
Have just bought another wallbox off eBay a Seeburg sc1 consolette that is missing the coin mech & box also its internal speakers, I think I am going to try & fit the parts inside this one as there should be enough space inside, due to it being incomplete.Glad to hear that you found somebody to look at your two boxes fingers crossed they can be fixed easily and economically.
Regards Paul
ParticipantHello Alan
Many thanks for the information I will have another go Wednesday night.Ok does it matter where I create this master folder ? do I create this folder in windows media player or documents, or on the page that has all my short cuts on (home page)
Once I have ripped a cd & I can see the album in the list of albums in media player,is it as simple as right clicking on the album image selecting copy then going to the folder and pasting it to it?
If I do as in example A and import all the tracks at once could I then move them using the arrow keys?Are you taking both of your boxes over to Mike at Discamatics?
Do you know when you will be taking them?Kind Regards Paul
ParticipantMorning Alan
Progress so far is, have acquired different PC & downloaded the software to it which opens from a short cut on the home page.
Have changed the way that windows media player rips cd’s to MP3 and also set the quality to high.
Have ripped two double disc albums and checked that they are in MP3 format.
I can get any one of the four discs to populate the software but when I introduce another instead of adding it to it it replaces the first not sure what I am doing wrong.
How do I put all four discs into one folder? Then I could import them allat the same time?
Paul -