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  • in reply to: seeburg 3w1 #46147

    Good evening.   Ideally I would like to have a box with all of the conversion parts inside, including a pair of speakers & also to have the option of connecting by Bluetooth if so desired. The box if seen  needs to be aestheticaly pleasing to the eye and some how look to be relevant to the wallbox & or music.

    I really like the look of your drive in speakers, I would like a set myself, I can’t imagine them being easy to get hold of over hear in the uk, but will keep my eye out on eBay. Not had much time to spend on my own projects recently as I have been replacing concrete paths at my parents home. Hopefully  I should be able to get a few hours in the next week. Watch this space.

    Cheers Scudie

    in reply to: seeburg 3w1 #46145

    Hello to anyone who is reading this. I have posted the querie about the switch with the orange wires on a forum  recommended by Sooner { jukebox addicts }  & have been told that the purpose of the switch with the 3 orange wires is a anti cheat device, & that if the wires that bridge it out are also orange that it was probably a factory done job, if I understand Ron correctly if the machine was to be used in a commercial setting which I would assume most were & if you thought some one was cheating the system the engineer would cut the bridging wires the anti cheat switch would then come into operation.

    So it sounds to me that it’s should be fine to have it either bridged or not, and in home use it may as well stay bridged.

    Cheers Scudie

    in reply to: seeburg 3w1 #46143

    Thanks for the info Steve

    Have just had a bit of a browse on the site, I spotted and read with interest,  your posts regarding incorect  selections on the SC1, when using Album selections.

    Have made some progress with the 3W1, Regarding the lock, I had spotted a brass plug that’s on the side of the lock barrel,  I figured that if I drilled a 2mm hole in the middle of the brass plug that maybe I would be able to screw in a self tapping screw & then be able to pull out the plug, with this removed I was able to strip the lock, swap the seven brass pins around to suit the key. Unfortunately I was short  of three pins of the correct length, so made three new pins out of some 3mm brazing rod, once this had been reduced in thicknes so as to fit the lock  I cut the three new pins out of it and reassembled the lock. The key now fits a treat.

    I have removed cleaned and lubed the  motor & all of its associated gears, and also the credit unit wheel, have  also removed freed and cleaned the credit solenoid pins so they now activate the credit switches. I have presently removed the resistor that had been added at some stage of its life. This part looks to have been added fairly recently &   is pictured in the above photos, if any one can give me a good reason for refitting it I will. The motor and mech now run much smoother & quieter.

    I have done a bit of research on the switch with the three orange wires I believe this to be called the three cicuit switch. From studying the manual there appears to be three wiring diagrams that are serial number dependent, the first two diagrams do not have  a three circuit switch, and several photos of 3w1’s that I have looked at all have the three cicuit switch terminals bridged together. Looks like a commonly carried out mod. So will leave well alone.

    Have a bit of an idea for a box for all the bits& bobs to go in & maybe a pair of speakers?

    Chears Scudie

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by Scudie.
    in reply to: seeburg 3w1 #46141

    Spotted this earlier was wondering if anyone had an explanation to this, it seems strange as the three orange wires that are soldered to the switch have been bridged together, making the switch of no use.

    in reply to: seeburg 3w1 #46140

    Have given it a bit of a clean so far, the lighting transformer works and the motor has life although something sounds dry so stripping the unit to give it a thorough clean and lube. Have not had much experience with these. Anything I should pay particular attention to? The photo below shows the crudely added resistor.

    Cheers Scudie

    in reply to: Improvements #46138

    Have been thinking about the improvements that could be made to the WB2mp3 unit, other than the ones listed in the previous posts.

    1 the random selection option , in my experience is not stable/ reliable. I think it would be better if it did not activate untill there had been no activity for the set amount of time, a friend of mine has one that will play a random track in the middle of selected tracks which I don’t think it should. Also sometimes it will play a random track before playing the selected ones even though it has just been switched on.

    2 The units ability to remember all of the tracks that have been selected & to play them all is sometimes a bit hit &  miss. On my own personal machine occasionally it will play all of the selected tracks more often than not it will miss one or two selections, even if only five or six selections had been made.

    Cheers Scudie

    in reply to: Missing Selections & Cancel Function #46136

    Hi Sooner

    I have always found that by introducing the random selection option that the reliability of wb2mp3 unit is compromised.

    The first wallbox I converted using the wb2mp3 system had an sd card configured to play a random track after 15 or 20 or so, it would some times play a random song as soon as it was powered up & would play another random track every 15 to 20 minute no matter if any manual selections had been made.

    Since then I have not configured SD cards for random selections of any time.

    I have also had mixed results with the cancel button, I have one that cancels all  selections no matter how many selections had been made.  And this one is manual selection only.

    Cheers Scudie

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by Scudie.
    in reply to: Seeburg SC Making Wrong Selections #46134

    Bill Butterfield.

    Karren and Jeff.

    Have not tested any of the credit units that I have.

    would have to check serial numbers later.

    Cheers Paul

    in reply to: Seeburg SC Making Wrong Selections #46131

    Hello  Sooner

    No problem the offer is there if you change your mind, my boss travels to Los Angeles every six weeks or so, so it could be posted to you from there.

    Yes in Europe  ( not sure how long for with this Brexit thing going on)

    England Nottinghamshire  Robin Hood country to be exact.

    I am guessing that you should be able to pick up spares fairly  easily over there, if you should nead to.

    I have bought a few bits off of a guy called Bill Butterfield he is in Napa California. If you want his email address let me know.

    Also some spares from Karen & Jeff at the old coin op.

    Cheers Paul


    in reply to: Seeburg SC Making Wrong Selections #46129

    Good to hear that the problem as been found.

    I do have a couple of spare credit units, if  you want one you are welcome to one, but I guess it’s dependant on your location, as it may cost more to post than what it’s worth.

    The first SC1 I restored & converted was missing the credit unit , so as I was unable to source a credit unit locally I found a way of bridging certain connections on the 12 pin socket to enable the SC1 to work without one hence the spares.

    Cheers Scudie


    in reply to: Broken teeth #46128

    Yes the roll pin was fairly straight forward to remove  and I was able to reuse it.👍

    in reply to: Seeburg SC Making Wrong Selections #46124

    Hi Sooner

    Thats weird and certainly nothing that I have encountered myself.

    so it selects correctly if set to singles but not for albums where it always selects A8-V8

    If it were me I would try swapping the credit units from one machine to the other I believe the number selections go through a set of relay contacts on the credit unit.

    If it has no effect you can rule it out. Sorry I can’t be any more help.

    Cheers Scudie

    in reply to: Broken teeth #46123

    Ok so have now got the page unit to work to an acceptable level. There was wear in the end plate so have carried out a mod like in your photo, the pages now hold upright even when you get to the last two. I also noticed that one of the plastic rockers had a groove worn into it, where the cam acts against it, more superglue and magic powder sorted that out. Also noticed that on the shaft that the toothed rockers pivot on there are three e clips one on each end and one about half inch from the end, this on had a wavey spring steel washer between this inner e clip and the first rocker, thus holding pressure on the rockers. Does yours have the wavey spring washer?

    Cheers Scudie

    in reply to: Broken teeth #46120

    Hi Sooner

    Looks like my page unit with issues is an early one with partial cams, and yes the pages hang forward when you get to the last ones as they are lifted.

    Thanks for the photos and explanation I will take a look at mine later to see if there is play in the main shaft, the rockers are moving fine on there shaft, and surprisingly the new teeth are holding up fine at the moment, I had half expected them to break off the first time I tried it. In my experience super glue does not work very well on some plastics.

    I assume you had to remove one of the chrome knobs is it just a case of removing a roll pin ?

    Cheers Scudie

    in reply to: Broken teeth #46117

    Well so far so good, when I first reassembled the pages it was ok flipping the pages up but jammed when trying to drop them down. I had another go at the repaired teeth and also found that there was a lot of free play where the plastic teeth are riveted to the page, some had more ply than others, not sure if I have done the right thing but I have given the rivets a bit of manipulation which has taken out the play.

    Also not sure how much pressure should be applied by the four springs so far I have adjusted them a little which seems to have improved the action of the pages.

    Cheers Scudie

    in reply to: Broken teeth #46114

    Have had a go at cutting two new teeth, it looks promising so far.

    I think they will require a little extra shaping but so far so good.  I had emailed a contact in the states to check on availability,  he does have some $8 each plus shipping. So if my repair fails I can get a replacement.

    Cheers Scudie

    in reply to: Broken teeth #46113

    Had a look at it tonight it’s the teeth on the back gear,  not the one fixed to the page.

    found some powder stuff that sets like plastic when sprinkled onto wet super glue,  so have built up the area where the two damaged teeth are and will have a go at filing some new teeth out of it. If it doesn’t work will have a go at casting one out of epoxy resin.

    Cheers Scudie

    in reply to: Packard Butler #46102

    Love  the drive in speakers, would be great to take out to the garden. Where can I get some?

    in reply to: My Seeburg SC1 #46099

    Nice chrome,  only had one box rechromed and it didn’t come out well, very disappointing and costly! The same company did one of the same make and model for a guy I know and his came out spot on .

    Cheers Scudie

    in reply to: Powder Coating #46094

    Was wondering on the subject of Seeburg SC’s does anyone know which ones originally had the white buttons ? Which came first white or black?  The majority I see have black buttons with white figures.

    Also the manual shows 5 sets of contacts on the latch bar switch but this one definitely only has 4 any one know anything?

    Cheers Scudie

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