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  • in reply to: Fixed my Defective Emulators #46541

    I ordered some of those amps this morning, when they get here I will try one on the emulator that Fabien had modified, see if I get anywhere.

    cheers Scudie

    in reply to: Project WQ200 #46536

    Good Morning Michiel

    Thanks for the information regarding the lamps, I guess I could have googled it myself.

    Cheers Scudie

    in reply to: Project WQ200 #46534

    Has been a rainy day here so have had time to work on the AMI, I have solved some of the faults / problems.

    Was wondering if any one could throw any light on what lamps should be fitted  & in which positions ? Most of the lamps that were fitted were blown, having looked at them there is a mix of specs, the AMI manual does not stipulate what the specs for the lamps should be.



    in reply to: RockOla 507 #46530

    Evening Michiel

    Glad to hear that you solved the problem regarding the selections, I must admit that I hadn’t considered that you may have wired the transformer incorrectly, & yes that would certainly cause problems. It may be worth while somebody doing a tutorial on the subject for future reference?

    Yes the hum, sorry but as far as we know there is no cure for it. I guess you have already read the posts on here on this subject ? There are many!

    I believe that Fabien and his team are currently working on a replacement for  the current unit which should eradicate the problems that it suffers from.

    Your last fault of the audio being momentarily interrupted is, a new one on me, it’s strange that it occurs once or twice on each selection.

    If you plugged some earphones into the audio socket & listened to the audio with those with the speakers disconnected does this have an effect?

    I know Sooner received a couple of units with faulty amps.

    Cheers Scudie

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by Scudie.
    in reply to: Missing info about speakers wiring #46528

    Well spotted,

    If any one had asked me I Would have put money on it  that it used to be there, but I have just checked with a print out of the instructions that I have had for at least two years & there’s no mention of it on that either.


    in reply to: QUIZZ ! #46524

    I will have a chat with Mike about a stepper for your 1947 Ami B.

    Do you know what price you would expect to pay  ? as I have not had to buy a stepper, The 2100 has one as standard.

    I could tell Mike that you have a budget of  —— euros to spend.

    Cheers Scudie

    in reply to: QUIZZ ! #46522

    I do admire the Seeburg jukebox’s , I almost bought 55′ V200

    They had some very clever guys working there ! To think in 55 they had an electronic memory system with the introduction of the tormat unit and when you think that the mechanism travers’s the records picks the record and spins it, & reverses the direction to play B sides using just a single A/C motor.

    I think in engineering terms they were the Rolls Royce of jukebox’s

    Unfortunately the planning department deemed it to big. So I had to choose between a 200 select Rockola Tempo one  or  a 57 Wurlitzer 2100 the Wurlitzer won, but I still do fancy a V200.

    A pal of mine will be going to Chicargo in October to a big jukebox fair, I could ask him to keep his eyes peeled for a AMI stepper if you wish?

    Cheers Scudie

    in reply to: QUIZZ ! #46517

    Sorry Klaatu my mistake,

    How I read it I thought you had two Jukebox’s the AMI B plus another.

    Are steppers for the B easy to find?

    Cheers Scudie

    in reply to: QUIZZ ! #46514

    So what’s the juke box ? Am guessing it has to be a 78rpm unit so chances are its 1940’s & probably 24 selections ?

    If I were to pick a 78 rpm machine I would have to be  either a Wurlitzer 1100 just because it’s so damn pretty, or a Seeburg M100 A , it must have stunned the opposition when it was unveiled with 100 selections.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by Scudie.
    in reply to: QUIZZ ! #46508

    So how long have you had the B ? Do you have a good selection of records for it ? It will all be worth it when it’s done.

    So Did the jukebox come first?    Mine did then the  wallbox then another and it goes on!

    Cheers Scudie.

    in reply to: QUIZZ ! #46506

    What are your plans for it?  Have you had time to check it out? Does it work ?

    currently I have a wq200 that is on my desk it appears to have many issues!

    Cheers Scudie

    in reply to: D I Y Drive in Speakers #46504

    Will give the design some thought may be a deco inspired design.

    Cheers Scudie

    in reply to: QUIZZ ! #46503

    If I had to guess I would  say it could be a AMI w40.

    Am I close?


    in reply to: D I Y Drive in Speakers #46499

    Have stripped one of the speakers, & started to remove the paint. Paint stripper had no affect nor did brake fluid, so ended up sanding it off.

    was thinking of having a go at making some replacement speaker grills from sheet aluminium & cutting slots in it. ?


    in reply to: Weak link : fuse questions. #46498

    I had a bit of a read up on French mains electric, (just curious) from what I read France and most of Europe use the same type of plugs & sockets, the earth connection being  part of the socket and does not necessarily rely on a pin like uk plugs.

    Also sockets are not switched where as most in the uk are, and plugs are not fused. Aparently the way we wire our houses is also different!


    in reply to: Weak link : fuse questions. #46496

    So if you use a two pin plug on some conversions, does this have an earth?

    in reply to: Weak link : fuse questions. #46494

    So is the French 3 pin like ours? With a live , neutral , & earth?

    in reply to: Weak link : fuse questions. #46492

    Which do you use on your wallbox conversions?

    Cheers Scudie

    in reply to: Weak link : fuse questions. #46485

    I guess in France you have a two pin plug ? Does the plug have a fuse inside it ?

    Here in the UK we have 3 pin plugs connected to a 3 core flex, live, neutral & earth for 240v AC  13 amp mains.

    I fit a 3amp ceramic fuse to the plug and conect the metal body of the wallbox to earth wire. To protect anyone touching the metal casing, should there be a short.

    I fit a 3amp auto motive blade type fuse on the 24vac wire from the transformer to the wallbox this protects the transformer from me when I make a mistake while testing or fault finding.

    I could buy 1 amp ceramic fuses, but I get the 3amp ones free.

    Cheers Scudie


    in reply to: RockOla 507 #46476

    Hi here’s a couple of photos of my little test rig.

    I connect the transformer through a 3amp fuse to the two screws on the left,  then the three wires to the wallbox

    brown 25vac

    black common

    green signal

    The switch is just for convenience saves having to disconnect the wires or pulling the plug on the transformer.

    Cheers Scudie

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