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  • in reply to: Seeburg Consolette Graphics #48804

    Just found a business in England selling either a part or full decal kit for the SC model Seeburgs .

    click on shop at the top of the page.

    Cheers Scudie

    in reply to: Seeburg Consolette Graphics #48803

    Sorry can’t be of any help with the image files.

    There was a guy in France advertising on Ebay a full decal kit for SC model Seeburgs.

    To be honest I have not seen the listing recently probably a year or so since I have seen it.

    Cheers Scudie

    in reply to: Multiple errors #48800

    These things really were built to last, so robust almost over engineered!

    Most  of the problems that I have encountered have been down to people altering them so you get fewer credits for your cash or careless storage & handling  or malicious  damage.

    I have only had two instances were there have been parts of the mechanism have required replacement or repair, a Seeburg 3w1 had some broken snap springs on the credit wheel which I guess is something that is going to happen after many years of use.

    I also had a AMI WQ200 with mechanism problems , the latch bars weren’t being actuated enough, after close inspection of the mechanism it was obvious that the fault was due to a worn cam , the cam is made of some kind of metal alloy and is much softer than the steel follower that rubs on it,  the foot of the hard steel  follower is approximately a third of the width of the cam so over the years it had worn a groove in the centre of the cam especially evident on the high points of the cam. So I made the follower wider so it now has a much greater contact surface and now is in contact with the unworn sections of the cam.

    Not sure why they made the cam from such a soft material (cost probably)

    Cheers Scudie




    in reply to: Terrible news from Gaëlle & Fabien #48761

    Hi Allister
    Have not seen a complete circuit diagram of the wb2mp3 only a partial one that only covered the audio section of the board.

    I remember that the 25 vac terminal is connected to an optocoupler (think that was the word) because some boards were incorrectly assembled with this item being fitted the wrong way around which stopped them working.

    Sounds like you know what you are doing and hopefully you will figure it out.🤞
    If you do get it sorted it would be good if you could post a description/ photos in the tutorial section.

    Cheers Scudie


    • This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by Scudie.
    in reply to: Terrible news from Gaëlle & Fabien #48757

    Hi Allister

    Yes the 20 selection L56 is on the compatibility list but strangely it’s not on the coding list on pages 18 &19 (coding list)  of the manual although it does state that it’s a partial coding list !

    As I said earlier I have had no personal experience with these earlier Seeburg models, I note you mentioned that yours was missing it’s tubes / valves so I am guessing it’s one of the wireless models?  I think I am correct in Saying that Seeburg did also build a 3 wire version of the 20 selection L56 perhaps that is the one on the compatibility list?

    Randy has much more experience with these earlier machine perhaps he will be able to offer more advice.

    Cheers Scudie



    in reply to: Terrible news from Gaëlle & Fabien #48755

    Hi Allister

    Yes the forum is still occasionally used, hopefully when they are able to start manufacturing the wb2mp3 units again the shop part of the website will reopen.

    Personally I have had no experience with the W1- l56 wallbox but am fairly confident in saying that the are not compatible with any of the juke box emulators.

    Cheers Scudie

    in reply to: Improved Memory #48750

    Photo above shows the two capacitors (dark red in colour) the 100 ohm resistor is inside the yellow and green sleeve.

    Cheers Scudie

    in reply to: Improved Memory #48749

    in reply to: Terrible news from Gaëlle & Fabien #48746

    Hi to All

    Its really good to here such positive news from Gaëlle & Fabien .

    I would like to think that all of the forums users will join me me in wishing all involved the very best for 2022!
    Lets hope that it turns out to be a better year for everyone.

    Cheers Paul

    in reply to: A million thanks ! #48733

    Hello Laurent

    That looks like it’s in really nice condition, I have seen quite a few for sale recently (over the past year) that were really in quite poor condition.

    Did it look like that when you purchased it ?

    Are you intending in mounting it on a wall?

    Did you mount the conversion inside the wall box or is it all external?

    Cheers Scudie


    in reply to: A million thanks ! #48730

    Good news,

    Glad to read that all is now working as it should.
    I have only just caught up with the thread, been busy over the weekend.

    A 16 GB card will easily hold all the music you can put on your Rockola, I have several 2gb cards that I swap on my SC1 & each will hold 158 single track selections and a couple of Albums each album being 2 CDs long & probably moor.

    Hopefully you can now sit back and enjoy the music.

    Any photos of your setup?

    Cheers Scudie


    in reply to: A million thanks ! #48721

    Hi folks

    Laurent which model of wb2mp3 emulator are you using?

    I think the difference between yours and Michiel’s configuration file is that yours is set for random play where as Michiels is not. I can’t see this making any difference but I guess its worth a try.

    At what point does the red light start t flash?

    Is it immediately after the power is turned on or only after you have tried to make a selection?

    I a not 100 percent sure about this but I think some of my Sd cards are marked HC and some have nothing at all on them, I have only had two problems that were down to the Sd the first one was with a micro SD in a SD converter that a friend of mine bought second hand with Rockola wall box and a V1.3 or 1.4 this did play intermittently but mostly something that had not been selected. The second one was one of my own, this one was initially reliable but after a couple of months began to stutter while playing & after a few minutes would fail to play altogether.

    Take the Sd card out and put it back into the computer you used to configure the SD make sure that when  you click on a mp3 file that it opens and plays the right track.

    Also make sure that the config file and the mp3 files are not in a folder on the SD.

    Let us know how you get on.

    Cheers Scudie


    in reply to: Wurlitzer 5220 build #48718

    Let us know how you get on.

    Cheers Scudie

    in reply to: Wurlitzer 5220 build #48716

    Hi pwb100

    I do not own a 5220 my self , I do have a 5210 and a 5250, both of which have a service switch which if I remember correctly is located on the right hand side of the mechanism.

    If you remove the chrome cover, and look at the top of the selection button section on the right I think you will spot it.

    As to whether this will give you free play I am not so sure, it certainly doesn’t on the 5210 or the 5250.

    But it would appear to have worked for Randy’s 5220 so worth a try.

    Cheers Scudie


    in reply to: Multi Wallbox useage #48713

    Hello Richbooth & Klaatu

    I have had no contact with Fabien & Gaëlle since receiving the awful news about the fire. I am guessing that while they are rebuilding there home they will have no spare time for the website etc.

    I take my hat off to them and applaud their efforts & commitment.

    I hope that one day in the future they are able to carry on with business.

    Regards Scudie


    in reply to: A million thanks ! #48708

    Hi Laurent

    If you are still having problems with your Rockola post your questions on here.

    Between us we should be able to help you along.

    Cheers Scudi

    in reply to: Basic Questions on Seeburg 3wa and wb2mp3 #48706

    Hi Bobwiley

    As far as I can remember the 3wa seemed to play the desired songs 99% of the time very occasionally it would play either the track immediately prior or the track that followed the one that had been selected, cancelling the track and re selecting seemed to play the correct track.

    Not touched it for weeks now, jobs to do outside. 👍

    in reply to: Basic Questions on Seeburg 3wa and wb2mp3 #48697

    Here’s a bit of an update on the progress of the 3WA.

    I configured several Sd cards using both the latest software that’s currently available and an old version that I have had for at least 3 years, none of these had the desired affect, ie #6 was still played when #5 selections were chosen.

    I tried multiple configurations of different manufacturers and models,  none of which improved things, so I reverted back to the initial SD that was configured with the latest software & used the Seeburg 3WA option.

    I then took another look at the signal pulse from the 3wa I noticed that when # 5 selections were made I was getting the correct 5 pulses & also  a faint pulse just before the wiper arm came to rest it didn’t appear to do it on #4 or #6 selections.

    Cleaning the contact disc and wiper made no difference neither did checking and adjustment of the wiper, the next adjustment on page 6 of the manual covers latch bar adjustment after going through this process hey presto the # 5 selections played as they should, that is untill L or any subsequent letter was chosen when it would repeat the K selection.

    I initially thought this was down to the adjustment of the three latch bar screws, further investigation found that infact a wire had broken off the right hand end of the top row of switches and once this was re connected the L -V selections were reinstated.

    I am currently working my way through the 200 selections and so far so good👍

    Cheers Scudie

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Scudie.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Scudie.
    in reply to: Basic Questions on Seeburg 3wa and wb2mp3 #48696

    Hi All

    Ok so I been trying to solve the problem of none of the number 5 tracks being played, as previously mentioned any letter and 5 selections result in the corresponding letter and 6 track being played.

    So far I have not been able to rectify this fault but have found a strange problem.

    As I had checked that the 3wa was sending the correct signal for the five selections, I turned to the sd card to make sure that I hadn’t got a duplicate of MP3 files for the 5 & 6 selections, all was OK in this department, also checked the files on the sd so they match the selection list that I had printed out.

    What I did notice though was that the cnf file  code for random music / wallbox make & model was not a Seeburg code, on checking the list of cnf codes I realised that the Sd had been configured for a  Rockola 1555, I immediately thought that I had made a mistake when I chosen the wallbox type from the list, so formatted the sd and started again.

    After going through the process of configuring the SD card again (paying particular attention to the make and model!)

    Checked again the cnf file code & instead of reading c0s02.cnf for the 3wa it read coo04.cnf for the Rockola 1555, very strange.

    Cheers Scudie

    in reply to: Basic Questions on Seeburg 3wa and wb2mp3 #48690

    Ok so I have an update on the performance of my 3wa, as I said in one of the previous posts that all appeared to be working fine, well yesterday evening I became aware that all is not quite right.

    All selections from A1 to & including V4 ( the first 80 tracks) play correctly.

    Any selections from A5 to V5 are wrong, What I actually get if A5 is selected is A6.

    Its the same for any of the letter & 5 selections, B5 plays B6,  C5 plays C6, D5 plays D6 and so on.

    Once I move on from the number 5 selections the tracks are played as they should be, so A6 plays A6, B6 plays B6, C6 plays C6 & everything from there on appears to be correct. So it’s just the twenty number 5 selections that are the problem!

    I have allready checked the pulse from the the 3wa & all appears to be correct with the signal pulse, when 5 is pressed I get 5 number pulses.

    So if anyone has any ideas or suggestions?

    Cheers Scudie


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