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KeymasterDo not remove any original wires. Just add the new for both cards to communicate.
KeymasterFrom what I can see on transfo scheme :
BLK & WHT are for 120v
Blue for 24v –> WHT terminal 24VAC
Yellow for 0V –> BLK terminal GroundKlaatu
KeymasterDon’t know what is Discord, I’m “old school” 😉
Let’s continue here, it could help futures users.
KeymasterDon’t know your skills, so tell me how to help you then.
Follow color scheme of PDF files and your good.
For speakers, connect them directly to wallbox2mp3 card, unless you have the wiring scheme of the DEC consolette to check where to plug it to able to use front buttons.
KeymasterLooks like you have everything to complete this project if consolette is working.
You even have the colored wires that goes between “terminal board” and “DEC2MP3 Translator”.
KeymasterNo problem, I like to help when I can.
So now you need to find GROUND wire on your transformer. Should be labeled on transfo or box.
Plug it to BLK, should be first on top of terminal board.
Second wire from transfo to WHT on terminal board.Now check if consolette is working.
KeymasterEn quelques minutes de recherche, je vous qu’ils existent des solutions pour “wordpress anti spam forum”. Ce n’est pas mon domaine, je sais que c’est parfois aléatoire à mettre en place/installer, mais ça vaut vraiment le coup de s’y pencher, sinon, ce forum sera à nouveau inutile. Ce qui serait dommage.
KeymasterCan’t see on your photo the “DEC2MP3 Translator” do you have it ?
KeymasterLeave all the existing wires.
FISRT : plug your transformer to BLK and WHT on the middle strip in the middle
See :
And check if the Consolette is working.
KeymasterIf you want to hide everything inside, you’ll have to remove the coin mech.
And find a way to put it in Free play or adding a switch that will simulate a coin by actioning the latche.
KeymasterBonjour Scudie,
La carte modifiée reçue n’est pas la bonne, j’attends que Fabien en fasse une nouvelle pour ma Packard.
I don’t know the DEC Wallbox, but could try to help you. What is your problem ? Please explain.
I have installed Wallbox2MP3 or PACKARD2MP3. So maybe I try to solve your problem… if this is just installation problem.
What have you done so far ?
KeymasterSorry, I made a mistake, it was speakers for a Rock-Ola 503, and I found the exact same size.
My SC1 is using a cdadapter, not a wallbox2mp3.
Since 2 weeks I got the modified card, but one terminal block is missing, and the male plug on the card has a bigger pin than usual, so can’t power it ! Waiting answer and solution from Fabien, not news yet.
KeymasterGreat more difficult to explain than to do it 😉
Will try some day, if I redo a Seeburg SC1.
KeymasterNice to see some color change !
On a Seeburg SC1, I always found the sound awful, so I decided to buy from some replacements with them dimensions, and it’s way better, because the old one were shot, many holes in it.
But that’s also the time I discovered the “hum” noise, that we couldn’t hear before with the dead speaker.
KeymasterEverything is well explained in the pdf about wiring, no difficulty for me.
There is no free credit, you need to use coin or make a rod pushing the latch for coin.
LED bulbs are included, but best to use original, as the led aren’t pointing correctly for a 180 diffusion.
Did you buy a wallbox2mp3 card since that time ?
KeymasterI don’t own a 506 or 507.
Maybe you can disconnect the “Credit Subtract Coil” K5.
KeymasterJ’ai reçu la carte, il y a une semaine, mais il manque un bornier pour le “signal”.
Et la fiche électrique pour alimenter la carte n’est pas du bon diamètre, je ne peux pas utiliser mon transfo 230v/5v.
J’attends une réponse de Fabrice.
KeymasterFor free play : you need to locate the Grey (SC) or White/Black (SCH) wire on top of the APU,
and short it to Ground. -