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  • in reply to: Multi Wallbox useage #48745

    we are very moved to find your messages today !

    we are well and indeed, we did work for the company and to live in another house.

    everything is not finished but we will get there little by little, we are not abandoning the wallbox2mp3 and will come back as soon as possible !

    thank you so much

    in reply to: Terrible news from Gaëlle & Fabien #48743


    • This reply was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by gaelle.
    in reply to: Terrible news from Gaëlle & Fabien #48742

    Hello John,

    As we product all, it’s impossible for us to sell anything actually but we hope to come back soon ! early 2022 if all goes well !

    we need wallbox to test our cards, if someone have seeburg 3W100 or Rockola 506/507 to sell don’t hesitate to contact us at We’ll need a packard and a dec too but we can’t by all we need now 🙂

    we do our best to come back soon !!

    in reply to: A million thanks ! #48740


    I find just now your post, sorry we are submerged by all by everything that has happened to us !

    you said that the SD card must be a SDHC (and not a SDXC), this is interesting information that I’ll had in the notice soon !!

    We hope to be able to product again in early 2022, thank you so much Scudie and Michiel for helping us answer on the forum !!!

    congratulations Laurent66250 and thank you for hanging out !!!

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by gaelle.
    in reply to: Wallbox2mp3 adapter died #48739

    hello and sorry for the delay of my response,

    don’t hesitate to contact me at we’ll find a solution !!


    have a nice day

    in reply to: Basic Questions on Seeburg 3wa and wb2mp3 #48679

    Hi Scudie,

    thank you for your reply.

    It seems to have a different behavior depending to your country with the 3WA. It’s managed by the .sel files in particular.

    We are awaiting the arrival of a 3wa in the coming days.

    We are also looking for a johnny rocket 3w1 in europe if anyone has one for sale or has one to lend us!

    in reply to: Basic Questions on Seeburg 3wa and wb2mp3 #48677

    hello bobwiley and Scudie,

    I’ve answered to you by email few days ago but I post here too. We had an other customer who had the same trouble, he just renames the file .sel in “P00.sel” ( double zero) on the SD card and told us that now all is ok.

    Could you please try ?

    in reply to: Packard Pla-Mor #47832

    hi Randy,

    fantastic installation ! 🙂

    in reply to: Rockola 507 probleme lecture #47823

    hello all 🙂

    you can put 4 speakers of 4 ohms or 2 of 8 ohms or 1 od 16 ohms in parallel


    in reply to: probleme de volume avec rock ola 507 #47822

    bonjour Gilles,

    comme je vous l’ai dis par mail, d’autres clients nous ont remonté les mêmes problèmes que vous nous aviez signalé, toutes nos excuses.

    nous avons suspendu les ventes pour comprendre ce qu’il se passe, vous m’avez fait part par mail avoir résolu votre problèmes en explorant d’autres pistes, si vous souhaitez nous les partager, nous serions preneurs.

    in reply to: [Résolu / Solved] Availability #47771


    the v1.4 are out of stock but v1.5 are in stock

    have a nice day

    in reply to: Transformers #47708

    thank you scudie for this post, it could help !!



    We use taggs from MP3, if they are not filled in, it’s empty but then you can write them on the list to be on the strips

    in reply to: Morse Code #47706

    Hello scudie and Randy

    As i well understand, it’s on a v1.4

    it’s quite strange, we had a trouble with a customer who send me back his SD Cards and his wallbox2mp3 v1.4. When they was here, I did a test with his v1.4 and a new v1.5 with his SD cards, I have no trouble.


    in reply to: probleme de volume avec rock ola 507 #47647

    bonjour à tous,

    effectivement concernant le quartz, avez vous remis le cover ? la carte est mieux protégée avec celui ci et évite que l’on puisse malencontreusement le toucher.



    Good morning all,

    actually concerning quartz, have you put the cover back on?

    the card is better protected with this one and avoids inadvertently being able to touch it.

    in reply to: probleme de volume avec rock ola 507 #47629

    Je vous confirme que nous n’avons pas de retours négatifs à ce sujet et que oui le système doit fonctionner avec des hauts parleurs internes. Cela fonctionne avec la Rock Ola 506, quelles sont les différences entre la 506 et la 507 ?

    Une question, vous branchez directement les hauts parleurs internes sur la wallbox2mp3, vous n’utilisez donc plus le relais ? qui malgré tout est encore dans le circuit de la wallbox ? Nous avons eu des soucis avec les relais à l’acquisition de notre rock ola 506, nous les avons changé, ils avaient une incidence sur la qualité du son


    I confirm to you that we have no negative feedback on this subject and that yes the system must work with internal speakers. It works with the Rock Ola 506, what are the differences between the 506 and the 507?

    One question, do you connect the internal speakers directly to the wallbox2mp3, so you no longer use the relay? who despite everything is still in the wallbox circuit? We had problems with the relays when we bought our rock ola 506, we changed them, they had an impact on the sound quality

    in reply to: probleme de volume avec rock ola 507 #47628


    j’ai contacté un de nos client qui a une rockola 507, voici sa réponse :

    J’ai en effet un rock ola 507 et la carte wallbox2mp3 fonctionne parfaitement. Je n’utilise pas actuellement les haut-parleurs internes mais j’ai connecté la wallbox à un amplificateur stéréo avec ses propres boîtiers, via la sortie minijack. le son est excellent. Quand j’ai utilisé les propres enceintes de la wallbox à l’époque, ce n’était pas du tout un problème. J’ai simplement connecté les sorties de la carte wallbox2mp3 directement aux haut-parleurs, sans utiliser de résistance. Ce n’est donc pas du tout nécessaire. La seule chose à laquelle vous devez faire attention est la polarité des haut-parleurs. Je ne comprends pas exactement quel est le problème. Cela pourrait-il être lié à un pull qui ne va pas? Est-ce que la partie qui contrôle le volume en interne (plus fort que plus faible) affecte le son? Puisque le son fonctionne, je pense plutôt à un mauvais contact ou à une résistance cassée.Ci-joint une photo de la connexion. le noir et le vert vont à un haut-parleur, le noir et le rouge vont à l’autre haut-parleur.

    J’envoie également des photos du schéma de câblage officiel de cette partie de la wallbox.



    I contacted one of our customer who has a Rockola 507, here is his answer:

    I have indeed a rock ola 507 and the wallbox2mp3 card works perfectly. I do not currently use the internal speakers but I have connected the wallbox to a stereo amplifier with its own boxes, via the minijack output. the sound is excellent. When I used the wallbox’s own speakers at the time, this was not a problem at all. I simply connected the outputs of the wallbox2mp3 card directly to the speakers, without using resistance. So it’s not necessary at all. The only thing you need to pay attention to is the polarity of the speakers. I don’t understand exactly what the problem is. Could it be related to a bad sweater? Does the part that controls the volume internally (louder than quieter) affect the sound? Since the sound is working I am more likely to think of a bad contact or a broken resistor. Attached is a photo of the connection. black and green go to one speaker, black and red go to the other speaker. I am also sending pictures of the official wiring diagram of this part of the wallbox.

    in reply to: probleme de volume avec rock ola 507 #47605

    bonjour à tous,

    merci scudie et klaatu de votre aide

    suite à notre conversation téléphonique, nous avons une ROCK OLA 506 que nous avons branchée en utilisant les hauts parleurs internes depuis maintenant 3 jours et nous n’avons constater aucun problème de son

    nous ne sommes pas spécialisés en wallbox, j’espère que nos super collaborateurs arriveront à vous aider dans vos investigations


    in reply to: jack output #47586

    don’t hesitate to tell us, any feedback can help us to improve our product

    in reply to: jack output #47580

    hello stephen,

    we are actually working to improve the jack, what we have found is that the jack works better if the equipment is not fully plugged in

    can you try and tell me ?

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