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KeymasterBonjour à tous, je suis Fabien le co-créateur de la wallbox2mp3 . Au vu de ce qui se passe ici , je me permet d’intervenir. Gaëlle est motivée à fond , elle adore cette communauté et ce projet qu’elle a repris à bout de ses petits bras. Elle aurait d’ailleurs surement laissé tomber si Klaatu et Scudie n’avaient pas été là dès le début pour l’aider contre vents et tempêtes 😉 . Ils sont parmi les personnes les plus compétentes que je connaisse en la matière . Ils demandent des informations précises ,il suffit de le leur donner.
Tout ca pour dire que nous les remercions chaudement pour leur aide et que les piques à leur encontre ne sont vraiment pas nécessaires.
Je comprend qu’il puisse être frustrant d’avoir une wallbox qui ne fonctionne pas mais ce n’est pas de la faute de Klaatu. Je prend ma part de responsabilité car il est possible que le pb vienne de la Wallbox2mp3 auquel cas même les meilleures compétences du monde n’auraient pu vous aider sans connaitre quelques détails sur le fonctionnement interne du système.Je prend donc le relais.parenthèse fermée , nous sommes là pour parler de technique .
Donc oui, on peut Brancher les enceintes en direct sur la wallbox2mp3 et cette fameuse résistance de 47 ohms d’après le schémas est active lorsque le bouton low sound est appuyé,elle ne sert donc qu’à réduire le volume sonore et n’est pas utile mais pas nuisible non plus.
En revanche effectivement si le potentiomètre son de la wallbox 2 mp3 est au minimum et que le son reste figé, le problème vient bien de la wallbox2mp3.En effet les enceintes seules ne peuvent inventer ni amplifier un volume.
Donc ma question est : lorsque le son se “fige” , avez vous essayé de mettre le volume son au minimum ? Si oui, avez vous toujours du son ?
Si oui , alors je pense que le problème vient du nouveau contrôle de son numérique. Celui-ci est géré par l’un des deux microcontrôleurs présent sur la carte, le plus petit. Son quartz est juste à coté, sur le rebord de la PCB. Voici la photo de l’ensemble :
or comme tout quartz, il est extrêmement sensible, il suffit de poser un doigt dessus pour qu’il s’arrête. A partir de là, le microcontrôleur qui ne reçoit plus de fréquence d’horloge , s’arrête également et le son n’est plus géré, il reste comme “figé”. Il faut alors redémarrer le système pour réamorcer le quartz . Je me demande donc s’il n’y aurait pas dans la 507 un fil ou quelque chose susceptible de toucher ce quartz ?
Comme l’a dit Gaëlle , nous faisons tourner depuis plusieurs jours une rock ola 506 mais nous ne sommes pour l’instant pas parvenu à reproduire ce problème donc je doute qu’il vienne de l’électronique de la 507 en elle-même.
Sorry, this explanation is quite long and I’m too lazy to translate it in english but if needed , just let me know and I’ll do the job 🙂
KeymasterOk,I’ve now tested and fixed everything. Actually there is dozens of posts concerning the same troubles and questions about everywhere in the forum.
So I’m going to update the news to do a complete sum up of bug fixes, released available and upgrades history.
Here is a sum up of WB2mp3 history , bug fixes,wallbox currently available,new features,what is going to happen in 2020 etc…
Old released :
– The V1.2 was the first one to be sold
– The V1.3 was compliant with more wallbox
– The V1.4 had the remote pot connector
Current released :
– The V1.4Bis has exactly the same hardware as the V1.4 but with some new features and bug fixes :
* Random musics now play smoothly and don’t interferate any more with selections. Moreover, as soon as the wallbox sends a signal to the WB2mp3, no more random music can be launched.
* The reject button is better managed
* The signal is now read a fastest way
* The software parasite’s filter can now be adjusted with a .fil file( by default a signal of less than 7 ms is considered as a parasite one, but if the wallbox’s contacts are dirty , if a capacitor has been placed inside the wallbox or if the keyboard is defective,the wallbox could generate some bigger parasites ) ; for example if you want to consider all signals shorter than 15ms as parasites, just place at the root of your SDcard 15.fil , shorter than 9ms : 09.fil
* It’s now possible to shift selections as you want, so if your wallbox has been modified or generates some parasites ,you can fix it without having to dismount it. For example I have a seeburg 3W100 with a defective keyboard and dirty contacts and so it was playing selection C2 when I selected A1 , and so on . Actually it was playing MySelection+21 . It’s now possible to fix that a software way by placing at the root of the SDcard a simple .sel file. In my case,I’ve placed M21.sel (M for minus,P for Plus ) , it now plays MySelection+21-21=MySelection; so even if it’s defective,it now works like a charm without having to repair it 🙂
The V1.5 :
* all upgrades included in the V1.4Bis
* Digital sound to avoid any loss in sound quality
* Digital remote pot to avoid any loss in sound quality
* More filters for a much better sound quality
* A stronger audio amp with class AB mode for an (almost) perfect sound
* Stereo wallbox can now be directly wired to the WB2mp3 even with a common ground ( in class AB mode only ! )
* the reject button’s hardware has been changed to work the best possible way .
Future released :
The V2.0 :
* It will support a screen to show selection done,artist and music played
* It will support a smartphone connection to show selection done,artist and music played; also to reject a selection, place a new one , change wallbox type ,random music mode,adjust sel shifting,filter ,etc…
I also plan in debug mode to help repair a faulty wallbox by giving the hability to show on the screen/smartphone the signal sent / received .
About commercial approach :
Actually I know that during two long years I’ve just stop responding to this forum and also to mails. When my historical partner has left the project,I was completely lost and continued to sell them but without any support. With the help of Gaëlle that has decided to handle the project ,it reborned. Also owing to my customers that have continued to buy the system even with the lack of support,I’ve been able to finance this new development. Moreover,I have to place here a special thanks to Scudie,Claatu,sooner and much others for having always helped us to maintain the forum,test new released,etc…
So we’ve decided now that everything is fixed and the support is efficient a, to launch an attractive offer for returning customer
Unfortunately we’re going to run out of stock of the V1.5 and I don’t think that we’re going to produce some more as the schematics of the V2.0 are ready and the proto is in production. I think so that the V2.0 will be available in March.
But as soon as we’ll receive the V2.0 we’ll launch the returning customers program.
It’ very simple , everyone that has previously bought A WB2mp3 (V1.4 but even a V1.3 or a V1.2 5 years ago) will be concerned . We’ll just need a proof of buying ( paypal payment number for example or invoice number ) . Then we’ll let the choice between a free exchange (only shipping costs will have to be paid) or a big discount on a new order and the customer keeps his previous WB2mp3 . This offer is going to be available until January 1st 2021 .
For now we finish our tiny stock of V1.5 , update our stock of V1.4 to V1.4Bis;
V1.4Bis are going to be sold at a discount price to finish our stocks BUT won’t be exchanged for another one or give a right to a discount on a future released.
The V1.5 also won’t be concerned by the return program .
In march , the V2.0 will be available for sale and at the same time, we’ll launch the returning customers program.
We should also be at Rosmalen in May , keep it in mind if you’d like a free exchange without any shipping cost 🙂 or to test in live the new V2.0
This reply was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by
KeymasterHello Sooner,
about missing selections,I’m going to check deeper, but for now , not any selection has been missed and the fact that the system now uses 2 microcontrolers gives it now much power to manage everything.But anyway I’ve coded the system to still wait for a new pulse up to 3 seconds after the last pulse is sent ,It was needed for some wallboxes but I can reduce it at 2.1 seconds. For now I’ve tried to do 6 selections in “always play” mode and to reject them one by one,it worked perfectly
About Reject : I’ve changed the way it’s managed and It seems that it works now like a charm,but once more,I continue my tests
Concerning question 4, a wallbox is currently in test since about 24 hours;it’s in “always play” class AB mode and both speakers’ GND are wired to the same minus . After 24hours the sound amplifier isn’t even hot and that’s an excellent news ! Now I try the same test but with an mp3 file dedicated to generate a huge difference in sound level between left / right speakers , if it pass this test,I’ll be able to ensure that it will work with all stereo wallboxes without any soldering to do to separate both GND 🙂
the smartphone will give you an alternative way to change the system’s configuration (change wallbox type,mute sound,manage sound volume ,manage random music play,reject/change selections ) ;
KeymasterWell actually we were testing all wallbox2mp3 using my partner’s wallbox as I didn’t own any. The octocoupler’s trouble occured exactly when Sylvain has decided to left me . So I’ve decided to buy a couple of wallboxes to be able to test but during a short time I was just unable to do any test,and unfortunately my subcontractor has made this mistake at the same time.
Obviously we’re going to find a solution for all your wallbox2mp3 systems,I just want first to make sure that my solution is validated.
Also sorry but I can’t find your adress,could you please recall it ?
Concerning the cancel button,I’ve did some try but it seems to work well on the wallbox2mp3 I currently have,so I was wondering if you could send me back a defective one,I think that the button’s capacitor has a wrong value .
Concerning your wurlitzer,well if you send me back one of your wallbox2mp3,I’ll do a custom prog to fit these specifications.
KeymasterWell actually we were testing all wallbox2mp3 using my partner’s wallbox as I didn’t own any. The octocoupler’s trouble occured exactly when Sylvain has decided to left me . So I’ve decided to buy a couple of wallboxes to be able to test but during a short time I was just unable to do any test,and unfortunately my subcontractor has made this mistake at the same time.
Obviously we’re going to find a solution for all your wallbox2mp3 systems,I just want first to make sure that my solution is validated.
Also sorry but I can’t find your adress,could you please recall it ?
Concerning the cancel button,I’ve did some try but it seems to work well on the wallbox2mp3 I currently have,so I was wondering if you could send me back a defective one,I think that the button’s capacitor has a wrong value .
Concerning your wurlitzer,well if you send me back one of your wallbox2mp3,I’ll do a custom prog to fit these specifications.
KeymasterLol,oui,certainement,envoyez moi vos coordonnées à en me rappelant votre pseudo,
KeymasterHello Scudie,
yes they’re tested individually but obviously just a short time to make sure that selections are right and that they have a stereo sound. I have to say that I’ve never noticed this hum as I rarely use my wallbox2mp3 at a very low sound level.
Concerning the left track,I’ve noticed that one of its track on the PCB goes over SDcard tracks and as these ones are obviously transmitting datas at an high rate when a selection is played,I’ve thought that they may generate ElectroMagnetic Interference (EMI). So I’ve cut this track and soldered instead a wire . It seems that the hum has disappeard.
I’m going to send you one on monday ,please do a test and let me know if the result fit your expectations and obviously I’ll do the same for Klaatu (please Klaatu,just recall me your name for the shipment)
KeymasterOk,so concerning this hum,I think that I’ve found a solution,it concerns only left speakers,right ?
KeymasterHello,I was wondering if you still have such a trouble,if so we’re going to find the solution
KeymasterHello again 🙂 ,
First concerning the software,it’s been written in JAVA to be compliant with any systems like Windows but also Linux and MacOs. So you just have to unzip it and launch it by clicking on the Jar file ; Java must be installed and then should launch directly the software , no installation is needed . If Java is installed but doesn’t launch it,just right click,open with … and select JAVA.
If I well remember this trouble of orders has been solved with the last release,if it’s not the case,just let me know and I’ll work on it
KeymasterHello everyone and sorry for the huge delay of my response, it’s certainly too late but the case is interesting and could concern much peoples.
Concerning the difference between 50 and 60Hz ( basically US an European Alternative Current (AC) power supply ) , it just generates a signal 20% faster in US (60Hz) ,but the system has been designed to manage that so this isn’t a problem.
Wallboxes all send basically a 24VAC telegraphic signal.They actually send some 24VAC pulses
this signal is just different depending on the brand and model of your remote. for example some are sending pulses concerning letter and then a short blank time,then number pulses, some other are sending first informations concerning numbers , etc…
the signal is generated mechanically by a Contact disc and the connectors of the keyboard’s buttons.
The wallbox2mp3 system receives this signal,cleans it,converts it into a simple binary code,compare this binary code with informations contained in its database according to the brand and model and then play the selection.
But if the keyboard or the disc are defective,then the signal sent won’t be the right one and obviously the WB2mp3 won’t be able to understand it. If the wallbox only sends minor parasites,the system has been designed to filtrate them and it shouldn’t be a trouble.
But the first thing to do would be to try to clean the contact disc using for example a rubber,then to clean all connectors located behind the keyboard’s buttons , this should fix most of such troubles.
If it doesn’t,I’m obviously still here to help 😉
KeymasterHello Rob and sorry for the huge delay of my response,
you’re certainly using Linux ,if so,it was a bug and it has been fixed concerning Linux and Macos with the last release ; indeed Linux and Macos manage SDcards a different way. Now the software detects the OS and search for the SDcard according to this information.
KeymasterHello Scudie,
concerning the software it’s about the same,the main difference is that it fixes a bug while using it with MacOs and Linux. Indeed in the past the software was unable to find the SDcard on these system,now it automatically detects the OS and the way it has to search for an SDcard according to this information.
Have you faced any issue concerning Wurlitzer wallbox’s ie 5210, 5250 or 5220 ?
KeymasterVoici donc la version française du précédent post :
Bonjour à vous deux et merci d’avoir posté ici. Navré pour le retard de ma réponse mais ayant enfin trouver une collaboratrice susceptible de s’occuper de la gestion du site internet,des commandes et de l’administratif,je ne suis plus seul et vais enfin pouvoir être disponible pour mes clients et ma passion,l’électronique.
Donc l’ampli est le même sur tous les systèmes Wallbox2mp3.
Il semblerait que ce pb de bruits relaté ici provienne systématiquement de la sortie gauche,du coup j’ai fait quelques tests et tenté quelques modifications. Je pense avoir trouvé la solution.Je voudrais simplement m’assurer que ce pb vient sytématiquement de la sortie gauche.
Dans la philosophie du système,je comparais le son à ce qu’on peut obtenir avec des jukebox et j’avais essayer de laisser quelques grésillements non filtrés pour se rapprocher du son d’un vinyle sur un ampli de jukebox avec ses quelques bruits caractéristiques.Un son parfaitement crystalin d’une hifi me semblait inappropriée au produit. Je ne m’étais pas rendu compte que la voie de gauche agissait de fait avec plus de bruits que la droite.
Toutes les cartes sont testées avant envoi mais aucun de mes testeurs ne m’avait fait de remarque à ce sujet mais il est vrai qu’ils n’utilisent pas le système au quotidien
KeymasterHello both of you and thank you for posting here,and of course sorry for the huge delay of my response,it should be the last time now as I’ve found a new partner to manage the website,shipment and administrative purposes
so first yes ,all the wb2mp3 systems share the same amplifier so the sound part operates the same way ; *
Concerning the packard / buckley system ,it uses a Digital to Analog Converter (DAC) and read the voltage value of the signal sent to determine wich selection has been selected . This DAC is accurate and so the system always plays the right song in my laboratory. I can if you want send you a new set of 1% resistors for a test,you should also try to clean all connectors of your wallbox,indeed one of them could if not perfectly clean act as a resistor of small value and then modify the voltage received by the system.
Concerning this hum, i’ve then done some try,so we’re all agree that this trouble only comes from the left amplified output ? If so,I think that I’ve found the solution
Keymasterhello and welcome to the forum
concerning this hum, could you let me know if you use the remote pot ? could you also tell me if the wallbox2mp3 is inside the wallbox ?
if so it could be intresting to try to wire the wallbox metal part directly to the GND terminal block of the wallbox2mp3.
Indeed for some reasons it seems that a parasite signal is received by the amplifier.
Doing such of thing would transform the wallbox into a metal shield for the wallbox2mp3 systemConcerning the reject button, I’ve just not identified such a trouble but it should be easy to fix, I’m going to check that.
Thank you so much for your feedback, now that our team has grown, we’ll have the necessary time to really improve the system
This reply was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by