Wurlitzer 5220 : comment passer en free-play ?

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    • #46632


      Je suis en possession d’une Wallbox Wurlitzer 5220A . J’ai installé ma carte wallbox2mp3, mais malheureusement malgré mes très nombreuses recherches je n’arrive pas à trouver comment passer en crédit gratuit sur cette machine pour pouvoir profiter de ma musique.

      Pourriez vous m’indiquer la marche à suivre ?

      Merci d’avance


      • This topic was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by Klaatu.
    • #46633

      Bonjour Mic

      Unfortunately my French is very poor, so you will have to translate this.

      I have had no experience with the 5220 wallbox, & this is purely a guess.

      On the 5210 &5250 the credit units are situated in the lower right corner and are predominantly a mechanical system that operates a small electrical switch.

      The credit unit either opens or closes the contacts of the switch when there are credits available. To give free plays the switch could be bypassed so the action of the credit unit has no affect on the switch. As I said this is purely based on my guess that Wurliter carried on using a similar credit system on the 5220.

      Do you have a Manual for the 5220?

      Unfortunately there isn’t one on the Support section of this site.

      Cheers Scudie



    • #46642

      Manuel en ligne dans SUPPORT.

      Thanks to Paul North.

    • #46643

      Hi MIC

      Since posting my first reply to your question I have been able to source a manual for the 5220, which has now been added to the support section here on this site.

      After looking at the manual it is obvious to me that I had assumed incorrectly & that the credit unit is not the same as a 5250, however it would appear that if you were to to fit a simple switch across the Key switch that is shown in the manual, & is  labelled on the photos of the play rack. Wurlitzer call the credit unit a play rack.

      Cheers Scudie

    • #46649

      Thanks a lot for your help. The documents will be of great help.


    • #46651

      Il faudrait faire une photo du “playrak”, mais visiblement, il y a une roue crantée qui sert à décrémenter les crédits.

      Il doit donc y avoir un “doigt” qui pousse la roue pour enlever le crédit. C’est ce mécanisme qu’il faut bloquer, démonter, couper… suivant comment c’est fait.

      • This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by Klaatu.
    • #46653

      Hope the Manual helps. Let us know how you get on.

      Cheers Scudie

    • #46661

      If you succeed to convert it to free-play take some photos and let us know.

      Could be useful to others.


    • #46977

      Hello to all,

      i have the same problem with my own Wurlitzer 5220, did you fix the problem (free play configuration)? If yes could you send me some pictures and information to explain how to do it ?

      many thanks !


    • #46978

      Hi Guillaume

      Welcome to the forum,

      what is the problem that you have?

      what exactly are you trying to achieve ?

      have you looked at the manual for the 5220?

      Cheers Scudie

    • #46979

      Dear Scudie,

      many thanks for your message, in fact the situation is the following : I have installed a wallbox2mp3 into my Wurlitzer 5220 , the cabling seems ok , and there is no error message (no flash red LED) everything seems ok also with the SDCard.

      I have removed the cash system and put a bridge on the J101 as indicated in some forum , but I am not really sure that my bridge is fine ( 2nd row and between 2&3)..

      when I make a selection, the wheel turn (only 1 full turn)) and stop exactly at the same place , and no music run ( no signal on the wallbox2mp3)

      So my concern is about the wallbox and not necessary the wallbox2mp3 (for the moment..) and I would like know if my free play bridge is fine, and if there is other thing to check on the wallbox ( wheel system, cabling ,….)

      many thanks for your help !

      kind regards

    • #46980

      Hello Guillaum

      As I mentioned in a previous post I do not own a 5220 or 5225 so I have no experience with them, but I will try my best to help you as much as I can.

      This bridge you have installed on J101, what is J101? Is there any pictures of this in the manual.

      You say 2nd row between 2& 3  please explain 2nd row of what ?

      Cheers Scudie

    • #46981

      Herewith a picture  of the bridge :

      As you can see there are 4 rows on the j101 the bridge is between the 2 nd and 3rd position on the 2nd row.

      i have seen in some forum that bridge position would permit to by pass the credit system.



    • #46982

      No photo 🙁

    • #46983


    • #46984

    • #46985

      Sorry some issue to attached the pictures… 😕

    • #46986

      Don’t have a 5220, but your bridge is done the way it is pointed in a french forum.
      Did you clean all contacts in the wallbox ?
      You get the right voltage out of the transformer ?

    • #46987

      thanks for your message,

      regarding the voltage I checked and I have a little bit more than 24vAC out of the transformer.

      the contacts have been cleaned but maybe there are some contacts that I have forgotten. I will check again.

      that is strange is about the selection  wheel which turn And stop systematically  at the same place . I thought that the wheel should stop according the selection…

      • This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by Klaatu.
    • #46988

      Have you adjusted “Selector Switch Latch” as per instructions manual on page 6 ?


      Latch will make a full turn for each selection.

      • This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by Klaatu.
    • #46991

      I have done the test and both buttons are release as indicated in the adjustment section page 5

      After that when I turn on the wallbox the wheel turn automatically to the initial position

      but It still doesn’t work..


    • #46992


      So J101 is the connection socket for the credit unit plug, what I understand to be called the playrack in the manual.

      The selector wheel on all the makes & models I have worked on so far have made one complete revolution once the selection button/ buttons are pressed.

      So if you were to manually advance your selector wheel to its no credit position with the power off, then turn the power on nothing should happen to the selector wheel untill you put the bridge in to J101 at this point the selector wheel should advance a little to the credit position at which point the selection button can be pressed and they should latch after the second button is pressed the selector wheel should make one complete revolution returning to the same position as it started from before the selection was made, ie the credit position.

      If you were to remove the bridge at this point then make a selection the wheel would advance but stop short of its starting point, it would now be in its home position ie no credits.

      Cheers Scudie

    • #46993

      Do you have 24volt bulb?

      You can check the signal pulses with a 24v bulb and some wire, connect one side of the bulb to the 25vac terminal and the other side of the bulb to the signal connection.

      Make a selection as the wheel revolves the bulb should flash as it passes over the contacts. Or if you have a test meter with an audible continuity option you could connect one probe to chassis / ground and the other to signal.

      with the power off & the selection buttons pressed, if you advance the selector wheel manually you should get a audible signal as it travels over contacts.

      Cheers Scudie


    • #46994

      Hello Scudie,

      i have tested the signal with a test meter, something happens !
      When I put the probes as indicated on the below picture , after the wheel revolution the music run!

      Due to this fact I don’t if my cabling is correct…

      • This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by Klaatu.
    • #46995

      According to manual
      24v is terminal 3
      Ground / COMMON is terminal G
      Pulse/SIGNAL is terminal 1

      ok ?

    • #46997

      Yes that is correct from my side, same cabling.


    • #46998

      Probes are on 1 and G ?

    • #46999

      Yes that is correct

    • #47002

      En suivant le signal, j’arrive a des switches.
      Peut-être regarder ça, nettoyage des contacts…

      Je peux aussi me tromper.

      • #47004

        C’était en effet un mauvais contact sur le signal. Le circuit imprimé est fatigué et la piste était HS.
        j’ai pour l’instant fait une réparation de fortune , et le signal est désormais envoyé à la carte wallbox2mp3. Et la wallbox fonctionne !



    • #47003

      Hello to all!

      great news I fix my problem it was a contact which was not good.
      My wallbox is now working well !
      many thanks to all of you for your help and support !

      have a nice evening


    • #47005

      Si ça fonctionne, c’est le principal, mais niveau soudure, si ce sont les tiennes…

      Je te conseille amicalement de t’entraîner en suivant un tuto sur youtube si besoin.

      Car comme tu l’as compris, mauvaise soudure = problème.


      Et ça ressemble a des soudures sèches, qui dans le temps créeront des problèmes.

    • #47006

      C’est la carte de quoi en cause ?

      Which card was faulty ?

    • #47007

      Il s’agit bien d’une réparation de fortune , pas de quoi en effet à être très  fier , je vais reprendre tout cela.
      Il s’agit d’une carte qui fait le lien entre le bornier de connexion et la roue de sélection elle se situe sur le système de sélection. J’ai simplement suivi le fil du signal en partant du bornier.

      après avoir réalisé plusieurs essais, j’ai en effet solutionné une partie du pb , la sélection permet de lancer un morceau mais pas le bon si je me rapporte aux étiquettes issues du logiciel wallbox2mp3…

      une idée ?

      merci et bonne soirée


    • #47008

      Hi  Guillaum

      i don’t speak French so had to translate, would help me if you posted in English.

      If I understand correctly your wallbox had a fault on the signal circuit that you have now fixed and it now plays a selection when selection buttons are pressed?

      But it is not playing the correct music ?

      when you select A1 is it correct?

      if not does it always play the same song if A1 is selected several times?

      Does it play any music if any of the V selections are made ie V1 or V2 or V3?

      Cheers Scudie

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