[Résolu / Solved] When importing mp3 title or artist name are blank

Home Forums General discussions [Résolu / Solved] When importing mp3 title or artist name are blank

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    • #47678

      greetings,for now i will use the standard strips..

      but i do have a question,why is it some title and artist appear and some do not….

      seems like i have to enter information myself….

      • This topic was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by Klaatu.
      • This topic was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by Klaatu.
    • #47681

      I have had the same issue when getting songs from my ITunes library, not sure what causes it but it is generally only a few songs 9 maybe 10%).  I have not found out why it happens or how to fix it.

    • #47682

      My guess :

      You have a name file,

      and then you have in the file, info about : artist, title, length, year and so on,
      and probably these info are missing.

      If you use Audacity (free software), and save as mp3 you have all these info to fill or not 😉

    • #47707


      We use taggs from MP3, if they are not filled in, it’s empty but then you can write them on the list to be on the strips

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