Terrible news from Gaëlle & Fabien

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    • #48695

      In case you didn’t notice the news on homepage…

      This night, their house and workshop went into flames, everything is lost.

      Gaëlle, Fabien and children are safe, thanks to their neighbor who rescued them with a ladder.

      So please, don’t get angry if you are waiting for a reply, an order…

    • #48712


      Very sorry to hear about you home and workshop, I hope all is getting back to normal for you all.
      Are there any plans to market the wallbox2mp3 again, I have a Rowe Ami box I would very much like to convert

      Good Luck for the future


    • #48742

      Hello John,

      As we product all, it’s impossible for us to sell anything actually but we hope to come back soon ! early 2022 if all goes well !

      we need wallbox to test our cards, if someone have seeburg 3W100 or Rockola 506/507 to sell don’t hesitate to contact us at contact@wallbox2mp3.com. We’ll need a packard and a dec too but we can’t by all we need now 🙂

      we do our best to come back soon !!

    • #48743


      • This reply was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by gaelle.
    • #48746

      Hi to All

      Its really good to here such positive news from Gaëlle & Fabien .

      I would like to think that all of the forums users will join me me in wishing all involved the very best for 2022!
      Lets hope that it turns out to be a better year for everyone.

      Cheers Paul

    • #48752

      Very good news – thanks for the update!

    • #48754

      Hi there

      Is this site still operating .

      I would like to know how to get the software to run your MP3 adaptor for a W1-L56



      Allister Denyer

    • #48755

      Hi Allister

      Yes the forum is still occasionally used, hopefully when they are able to start manufacturing the wb2mp3 units again the shop part of the website will reopen.

      Personally I have had no experience with the W1- l56 wallbox but am fairly confident in saying that the are not compatible with any of the juke box emulators.

      Cheers Scudie

    • #48756

      Hi Scudie
      It does say on the wall box2 mp3 site that it is compatible with L56 wall boxes with 20 selections and it is listed in the software. So all. I need to do is check the coding in the manual I have ordered. But the coding I have checked on the scope with 12VDC and a 1k pull up resistor is very simple 5 pulses added to the selection. So 1 is 6 pulses and 20 is 25 pulses. I may need to do some signal conditioning as the adapter appears to use switched 24V AC. The unit seems to switch the signal to common. I am getting 2 x 6C4’s to see if I can also get the 250KHz oscillator going again. I don’t think the adaptor actually needs this. I received the unit with the tubes missing. It would be nice to know what kind of input signal the adaptor is actually looking for. There is no schematic for the adaptor in the manual. I am aware that different makes and types code differently.
      Any information would be helpful.

      Allister Denyer

    • #48757

      Hi Allister

      Yes the 20 selection L56 is on the compatibility list but strangely it’s not on the coding list on pages 18 &19 (coding list)  of the manual although it does state that it’s a partial coding list !

      As I said earlier I have had no personal experience with these earlier Seeburg models, I note you mentioned that yours was missing it’s tubes / valves so I am guessing it’s one of the wireless models?  I think I am correct in Saying that Seeburg did also build a 3 wire version of the 20 selection L56 perhaps that is the one on the compatibility list?

      Randy has much more experience with these earlier machine perhaps he will be able to offer more advice.

      Cheers Scudie



    • #48758

      Hey Allister,

      Unfortunately, the compatibility list and user’s manual are a little misleading.  There are two types wallboxes in the “L56” series – wireless and three wire.  The WB2MP3 emulator works well with the three wire boxes (I have four 3W2-L56s working) but I doubt it will be easily compatible with a wireless box like you have.


    • #48759

      Hi RandyWell I have it producing the 6 to 25 pulses sequentially.It had 2 broken wires. Now this unit switches to ground which is not like the 3 wire system. However, by putting it through a small relay and a 1nF capacitor on the output I can get a nice isolated switching square wave. I tested with 12V DC but I can put 24V AC through it and we would have an isolated switched 24V AC set of pulses. As the switching rate is quite slow a small relay is fast enough to work. The signal current will be very small. The only big difference I can see between the 2 wire and the 3 wire is that the switching is independent of ground. This solution should fix that. If the relay was not fast enough I could use a diac and triac to switch the 24V faster. But the relay seemed to operate with no problems.
      Also because the 24V AC would be completely isolated using a 120V to 24V transformer you could make the whole unit as a switch and leave the common as a separate return. All I am basically concerned about is, Will the 6-25 sequential code be recognised by the Wallbot2mp3 adapter, if it will  I can provide whatever signal conditioning is required. From what I have learned so far the 3 wire system only means that the switching is isolated from ground. This is why I wanted the manual to see if it could be isolated from ground easily. I would also have liked a diagram of the Wallbox2mp3 unit to see the input circuit for the 24V AC. If it was rectifying it I could simply use a DC.supply.


      Allister Denyer

    • #48760

      Well, it will be good news if you figure it out – I have a W1 somewhere at the back of the shelf, would like to get it back in action.

    • #48761

      Hi Allister
      Have not seen a complete circuit diagram of the wb2mp3 only a partial one that only covered the audio section of the board.

      I remember that the 25 vac terminal is connected to an optocoupler (think that was the word) because some boards were incorrectly assembled with this item being fitted the wrong way around which stopped them working.

      Sounds like you know what you are doing and hopefully you will figure it out.🤞
      If you do get it sorted it would be good if you could post a description/ photos in the tutorial section.

      Cheers Scudie


      • This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by Scudie.
    • #48763

      Hi Scudie

      I will publish whatever I do if it works. All this depends on information. I could go through the box and draw a schematic but I am hoping it is in the manual. I am told it is so this saves a lot of work. I think the one I have has been modified by somebody else. This unit is a wireless unit but it has 2 wires coming out with this switching to ground. Therefore when I get the manual I will know what has been done to it. I have the new tubes (64C) coming and the will get the oscillator going. The voltages are there  HT and the 6.3 heaters. However this part of the circuit is no longer used so will be just for fun really. I can only see one resistor which is about 240 ohms there is a coil there and a filter capacitor. So if I get the circuit I can check it out and get it working. I should have any other components in stock if required.


      Allister Denyer

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