Speaker choice >>4 ohm vs 8 ohm for V1. 5??

Home Forums General discussions Speaker choice >>4 ohm vs 8 ohm for V1. 5??

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    • #46965

      Which impedance speakers are recommended for the V1.5 emulator? I know 8 ohm are more efficient than 4 ohm but the amplifier usually dictates which to use. I’m thinking 8-ohm should be the answer to get the most power(volume) due to better efficiency from this tiny Amp.

    • #46966


      I am unsure about the answer to your question, I have previously used both 4ohm & 8ohm speakers with previous versions of the emulator both worked well.

      I believe that the V1.5 has a different amp to the older units.

      Perhaps Fabien can answer this question.


    • #46967

      Not sure what the speaker specs are for the new audio amp but I suspect they’re similar to the old PAM8403 chips.  Those were slightly more efficient with 8 ohms but you get almost twice as much power from 4 ohm speakers: https://www.diodes.com/assets/Datasheets/PAM8403.pdf

      I don’t think the volume difference would be very noticeable between 4 and 8 ohms. The built-in speakers in the Seeburg SC boxes are over 30 ohms and they’re plenty loud with the older amps.


    • #46968

      Hi All

      I have had an email from  Fabien regarding the choice of speakers.

      He says that either can be used with the V1.5 amp but that 4ohm would be better.

      Cheers Scudie

    • #46969

      Awesome news. Many more 4 ohm choices over the 8 ohm. Thanks for getting an answer.  I guess my understanding was backwards. I found this when searching for “4 ohm versus 8 ohm” on the internet and thought the small onboard powered amp would require 8 ohm to get the most volume.

      “A 4-ohm speaker requires more power from an amplifier than an 8-ohm speaker to produce the same loudness of sound.”

    • #46970

      Interested to see what speakers you buy and how you are going to  house / use them.

      What model wall box are you using ? Any photos ?


    • #46971

      Still putting my design plan together for my Seeburg D-3WA but I purchased a couple of drive in theater speakers that I was planning on using some way. My options are connecting them to the amplified output of the emulator and go with a low wattage speaker….. Or use the BT transmitter and install a BT receiver / amp to power some higher wattage speaker to gain some volume.

      • This reply was modified 5 years ago by M_schrenk.
    • #46973

      Mike – I think the 50 watt per channel Bluetooth amp you’re looking at has way too much power for drive in speakers. I have an 8 watt/channel amp in my drive in speakers and it is more powerful than I would like.

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