[SOLVED] SEEBURG SC2 can't selects A1toV1 + LP light

Home Forums General discussions [SOLVED] SEEBURG SC2 can't selects A1toV1 + LP light

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    • #46657

      Like the title says my SC2 doesn’t work correctly.

      The WALLBOXTOMP3 card is installed and the SD card is correctly made with 160mps through the software.

      All selections above V1 work, so A2 to V8 work. All selections with “1” in it don’t.

      I f I select A1 then A8 will play. If I select B1 then B8 will play and so on.

      I cleaned all contacts on the selector plate but that didn’t fix it.


      any help is highly appreciated.

      • This topic was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by KAREL2019. Reason: more info
    • #46662

      Hello Karel

      So selections A1 through to V1 play no tracks, do the selections B1 onwards play the correct tracks When compared with the list?

      Have you checked the position of the wiper arm as described in the manual ?

      Also check the contact faces of the latch bar setting switch for cleanliness & that they are opening and closing to the specs in the manual.

      Are you using the credit unit ( APU 10 ) if so clean the contact surfaces on this.

      Also check that nobody has moved the wires from singles to albums on the boards adjacent to the terminal strip.


      If you have already done the above.

      If B1 on plays the correct tracks, with the power switched off & the machine in the credit position , select A1  with a multimeter set to continuity conect one probe to the chassis of the machine then with the other probe to number 1 contact it should have continuity & 2 to 8 not  (my meter gives an audio signal)  from memory the wiper arm travels clockwise after leaving the credit position, over contacts 1-8 then over v through to A   As A1 is selected all the letters should have continuity to ground (chassis) if you have no continuity on 1 check the reverse side of the board for a broken wire.

      Let us know how you get on!

      Cheers Scudie


    • #46663

      Thanks Scudie for taking the time to reply in such an extend way.

      To be clear all tracks from B2 to V8 play correctly.

      Only A1 to V1 don’t play the correct track. Pressing A1 will play A8, B1 will play B8 and so on.

      I will look into the manual and see if I can find and check the things you mentioned. (no so savy with electra)

      • This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by KAREL2019.
    • #46665

      I had the same problem with one of mine. After cleaning the contacts on the APU it started working properly. Here’s a thread on another forum where I discussed it: http://jukeboxaddicts.proboards.com/thread/1057/sc1-selections?page=1&scrollTo=6267

    • #46666

      Looks like I also discussed the problem here on this forum and it was Scudie that helped me narrow the problem down to the APU!

      Seeburg SC Making Wrong Selections

    • #46667

      Hello Karel

      I had wondered if A1 -A8 might be playing the wrong tracks rather than nothing at all.

      If you have a copy of the manual all well & good, if not & If you have not allready found it there is a bunch of manuals, under the support section on here, I think the first SC manual on the list has missing pages! Fortunately there is a complete SC manual, its part of the Seeburg combo which covers several different models.

      Any questions just ask, chances are one of us will have a suggestion if not the answer.

      Let us know how you get on with it.

      Cheers Scudie

    • #46668

      I found the problem. The middle leaf switch in front of the album relay was making continuous contact because it was stuck at the bottom. When I seperated the leaf plates it was working!

      Only thing changed is that now the most right light bulb dont light up at all, before it turned of when making a selection and turned on again. Now it’s just off all the time.


    • #46669

      Cool. Interesting that the relay switch caused the same problem as my dirty APU.

      The far right light at the top is only supposed to come on when there are enough credits to select an album.  Is the light burnt out? I assume you have it set up where A1-V1 are album sides and all others are singles?

    • #46670

      No all are singles as far as I know. The lightbulb is oke because it works in the other sockets

    • #46671

      Hi Karel

      Glad to hear that you are making progress.

      The leaf switch you mention is this part of the credit unit?

      If you want the album light to come on you can achieve this by connecting two of the wires together on the 12 pin credit unit socket , without looking at the wiring diagram I can’t remember which.

      If your interested let me know, and I will take a look.

      Cheers Scudie

    • #46672

      Just sat here thinking about it , & fairly sure that if you bridge terminals # 1 (ground) top left as you look at the front of the socket to #11 lower middle the album light should illuminate.

      Cheers Scudie

    • #46673

      The album selection light on the far right is only suppose to be on when there are enough credits (enough money deposited) for an album side to be selected. When you make a selection, the credits are reduced and the light is supposed to go off.  If you add enough credits back it should come back on.

      The single selection light in the middle works the same way only it requires fewer credits. It should go off eventually if you make enough selections.

      If either of them don’t come when there are enough credits (and the bulbs are good), I would try cleaning all contacts, particularly those in the pricing unit.

      If you just want the lights to stay on all the time you can ground them as Scudie suggests.

      FWIW, the terminal board by the left speaker is where selections can be designated as singles or albums. I did a test on mine and even if they’re all set for singles the album pricing light works the same.

    • #46674

      I did what Scudie suggested and now the right light stays on. The middle light works like it should and turns on again after a selection. All is working now.


      thanks everyone for the suggestions and solutions, much appreciated.

    • #46675

      Good Morning Karel

      Was the sticking leaf switch located on the APU 10 credit unit ?

      got any photos of your box?

      Glad that to hear that it’s now workin correctly.


    • #46676

      Yes, show us your wallbox and the modifications, would be helpful to others.

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