seeburg 3w1

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    • #46139

      Just got hold of a 3w1 to have a play with. Seems pretty much all there. The lock has been changed at some point & the key does not fit.  Some one has fitted what I think is a resistor to the motor wiring circuit, strangely it appears to have the same voltage both sides of the resistor? Am inclined to remove it ? Anyone have any ideas?

    • #46140

      Have given it a bit of a clean so far, the lighting transformer works and the motor has life although something sounds dry so stripping the unit to give it a thorough clean and lube. Have not had much experience with these. Anything I should pay particular attention to? The photo below shows the crudely added resistor.

      Cheers Scudie

    • #46141

      Spotted this earlier was wondering if anyone had an explanation to this, it seems strange as the three orange wires that are soldered to the switch have been bridged together, making the switch of no use.

    • #46142
    • #46143

      Thanks for the info Steve

      Have just had a bit of a browse on the site, I spotted and read with interest,  your posts regarding incorect  selections on the SC1, when using Album selections.

      Have made some progress with the 3W1, Regarding the lock, I had spotted a brass plug that’s on the side of the lock barrel,  I figured that if I drilled a 2mm hole in the middle of the brass plug that maybe I would be able to screw in a self tapping screw & then be able to pull out the plug, with this removed I was able to strip the lock, swap the seven brass pins around to suit the key. Unfortunately I was short  of three pins of the correct length, so made three new pins out of some 3mm brazing rod, once this had been reduced in thicknes so as to fit the lock  I cut the three new pins out of it and reassembled the lock. The key now fits a treat.

      I have removed cleaned and lubed the  motor & all of its associated gears, and also the credit unit wheel, have  also removed freed and cleaned the credit solenoid pins so they now activate the credit switches. I have presently removed the resistor that had been added at some stage of its life. This part looks to have been added fairly recently &   is pictured in the above photos, if any one can give me a good reason for refitting it I will. The motor and mech now run much smoother & quieter.

      I have done a bit of research on the switch with the three orange wires I believe this to be called the three cicuit switch. From studying the manual there appears to be three wiring diagrams that are serial number dependent, the first two diagrams do not have  a three circuit switch, and several photos of 3w1’s that I have looked at all have the three cicuit switch terminals bridged together. Looks like a commonly carried out mod. So will leave well alone.

      Have a bit of an idea for a box for all the bits& bobs to go in & maybe a pair of speakers?

      Chears Scudie

      • This reply was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by Scudie.
    • #46145

      Hello to anyone who is reading this. I have posted the querie about the switch with the orange wires on a forum  recommended by Sooner { jukebox addicts }  & have been told that the purpose of the switch with the 3 orange wires is a anti cheat device, & that if the wires that bridge it out are also orange that it was probably a factory done job, if I understand Ron correctly if the machine was to be used in a commercial setting which I would assume most were & if you thought some one was cheating the system the engineer would cut the bridging wires the anti cheat switch would then come into operation.

      So it sounds to me that it’s should be fine to have it either bridged or not, and in home use it may as well stay bridged.

      Cheers Scudie

    • #46146

      As for speakers I would probably do something with Bluetooth since the 3W1 doesn’t have any built in. That gives a little more freedom as to where you put them and the sound will probably be a little better (no buzzing).  I have a pair of drive-in speaker that I added a Bluetooth receiver/amplifier to that work pretty well. Got the receiver/amplifier directly from China off eBay. My home stereo also has a Bluetooth capable amplifier so I can connect to that too.

    • #46147

      Good evening.   Ideally I would like to have a box with all of the conversion parts inside, including a pair of speakers & also to have the option of connecting by Bluetooth if so desired. The box if seen  needs to be aestheticaly pleasing to the eye and some how look to be relevant to the wallbox & or music.

      I really like the look of your drive in speakers, I would like a set myself, I can’t imagine them being easy to get hold of over hear in the uk, but will keep my eye out on eBay. Not had much time to spend on my own projects recently as I have been replacing concrete paths at my parents home. Hopefully  I should be able to get a few hours in the next week. Watch this space.

      Cheers Scudie

    • #46148

      There are lots of them on eBay. I’m sure some of the sellers will ship to the UK  but don’t know how much shipping would be. If you get an unrestored set plan on replacing the speakers and potentiometers. Here’s where I got replacement parts. They have speakers too.

      I’ll be interested to see if you can fit everything inside the wallbox. Is the coin mechanism removable?

    • #46149

      Hi Yes I had a look allready, and have seen the company you mentioned, the problem for me buying from the States is we have to factor in the price of the merchandise + import tax + the price of postage from the states (which only gets it to the Royal Mail facility at Gatwick airport London) + Royal Mails charge for handling to its destination. + VAT at 20% on all of the above total.

      It can make things rather expensive.

      I wasn’t intending to fit any of the conversion components into the 3w1 but into a separate unit, Of my own design.

      cheers Scudie

    • #46150

      I forgot about VAT and customs taxes. Now I remember paying almost double the price for some shirts I purchased from the US when I lived in London. Ouch!  Maybe you can find a seller that will either send something as a gift to avoid VAT and customs?  Maybe get something unrestored/inexpensive and source replacement speakers and pots from the UK.

      I think if I had to put components in a separate box  I would probably build something the wallbox can hang from. Sort of an “L” shape with the box part either in the back or bottom depending on whether I was going to mount it on a wall for set it on a table.

    • #46151

      Hi Steve,  Was wondering,  from looking at the photos the central box on top of the post looks to be the largest part of the drive in speaker assembly,  if  this part can be dismantled approximately how large / big would the indervidually sections be.

      Thinking if my mate could bring one back in pieces over a period of trips to Los Angeles?

      Cheers Scudie

    • #46152

      Here are some photos to give you an idea. The junction box on mine is larger than many because it has a light. That came in handy because there was enough room to put the Bluetooth receiver/amplifier inside.  If taken apart the pieces are smaller than the speakers. Everything could be fit inside someone’s luggage if they had some extra room. You probably would want to get a base and pole locally.

    • #46153

      Thanks for the photos, yours looks to be of a different design to the ones I have seen on EBay. I guess that back in the day there would have been many different  makes / models of drive in speakers. Your speakers look about 6 inch square is that correct?

      Will have a chat with my pal & check if he’s willing to bring the parts back home in his luggage. Excluding the pole approximately what would you think it weighs?

      Cheers Paul


    • #46154

      Yes many different brands. Different versions of some brands too. I’ve seen mine with zero to three lenses. My speakers are 5″x7.5″x5″ and weign about 2 1/4 pounds each. The junction box probably weighs a little less than a speaker.

    • #46155

      Thanks Steve.   I will be definitely having a chat with my mate to see if I can get a set over here,  if a speaker weighs 2 1/4 lb and the centre unit less than that he should have no problem weight wise. It wouldn’t matter to me if he brought pieces back over three trips.

      Had a couple of hours on the 3w1, I removed the buttons & the illumination Perspex piece,  also removed and cleaned the contacts of the letter & number switches. Cleaned and polished the buttons & the Perspex illumination plate this was scratched & very dull, apparently it does not distribute the light well if dull so I have given it a polish with some glass polish which cleaned it up a treat. One of the mounting holes was broken off so got the super glue & powder out again which although black seems to have come up trumps again.

      Touch wood everything appears to be working so far, have bought a refinishing decal for the instruction plate that sits at the bottom of the selection pages, also need to get the green plastic select lense as this is missing. Will try to get it hooked up to a wb2mp3 unit this week to see how it goes.

      Cheers Scudie

    • #46158

      Looks good. I might have to do one of those myself.

    • #46159

      Have done a SD card configured for the 3w1 with 100 selections on it, ( no random stuff)  & printed the selections list, and connected it up to a test rig I built,  this  has speakers in it.  So far so good it’s playing each selection as it should.

      Cheers Scudie

    • #46160

      Hi Steve,  on your video of one of your Sc1 boxes it shows you pressing a coin that’s in the coin entry area  to receive a credit, what type of adhesive did you use ? I am guessing that you glued a coin to the button of a momentary switch.

      I have found the  3w1 is very simple to work on, there is obviously less to it than a SC1   and as there is no complicated  credit unit a doddle after looking at a V3wa.

      Cheers Scudie


    • #46161

      I used some clear 5 minute epoxy to glue the dime to the switch. Hot glue would probably work just as well.  Are you planning to put a switch in the coin slot of your 3W1 or SC?

    • #46162

      Was considering putting a switch on the 3w1,   my sc1 has no credit unit fitted, I found it’s simpler that way, plus it freed up some space to fit the LED contol unit + remote  sensor.

      Cheers Scudie

    • #46163


    • #46164

      Looks good. Is there enough room to put a switch in the coin slot on the 3W1?

    • #46165

      That’s a very good question that I honestly do not have the answer to at this moment. I will have to dig out the coin entry top casting & take a look. If there’s not enough room I will just remove the little bracket that resets the credit switch.  Have been concentrating on the working side of the unit hopefully during the next week I will be able to devote sum time to the visual aspects of the box.

      Cheers Scudie

    • #46166

      Oh by the way the photo above of  my test rig, its connected to a Wurlitzer 5250 not the Seeburg 3w1. I would really like a set of speakers that Wurlitzer produced to fit on the top of  5210 & 5250 Wallboxes but they are apparently very rare & therefore demand a hefty price tag. There is currently a set on a well known auction site with an asking price in excess of £600 .

      I intend on building another similar set up but want to make the box disguised or at least more aesthetically pleasing.

    • #46167

      Took a look at the top coin entry casting on the 3w1,  looks like you was correct certainly not enough room for a standard push switch.

      Cheers Scudie

    • #46168

      Hello Scudie,

      Suggestions :

      -for the speakers and to hide more things, you can built a base the exact same size of the bottom of 3W1. Then it’s up to you to veneer, paint it… if you use wood, or chrome it if you can work metal.

      -for coin in slot : you could use a low profile switch like these ones :

      Only 2.5mm height, then you can glue a coin of your choice.

    • #46169

      The low profile switch is a great idea. Better order quick though with a 13 week lead time… 🙂

      Motorcycle speakers would look cool with the 3w1 although the cool looking ones are a bit pricey:

    • #46170

      Thanks for the suggestions, I do have a couple of ideas that I will look into. Have not had a lot of time this week what with one thing or another.

      Cheers Scudie.

    • #46171

      Morning folks

      Spotted this for sale last night, it appears to use the internals of a 3w1 in a alternative case, don’t know if it is a home built conversion or if they were commercially available to modernise old 3w1’s.

      Cant say as I like it but I have not seen one before, am guessing there should be plenty of room inside for a conversion.


      Cheers Scudie


    • #46172

      Some conversion were available, but never seen this one. Maybe a DIY.

    • #46174

      Hi yes have seen a few conversions for both wallbox’s and Jukebox’s but have not  seen another like this.

      Have you heard anything from Fabien recently concerning the buzzing noise?

      Cheers Scudie

    • #46176

      If anyone fancies a project there is a Wurlitzer 5220 wallbox ( missing its key, and the chrome is pitted) complete with a pair of speakers (again suffering from the damp) and a 1970’s  120 selection hideaway unit (also missing the keys and suffering from damp) for sale on a auction website. Hideaway is full of records, with a reasonable price of £120 or close offer. Didn’t seem bad to me.

      Cheers Scudie

    • #46177

      Go for it ! Buy it !

      I would, only for the wallbox and speakers.

    • #46179

      Hello Scudie,

      Not heard anything from Fabien since march 20th.

      He had send you audio schematic so that you could check with one of your friend ?

      And he was waiting for your answer.



    • #46180

      Good Morning Klaatu

      I emailed Fabien on the 28th of March with Andrews suggestions,

      I actually forwarded  to Fabien the email complete with the attachment that Andrew had sent me.

      I received an email from Gaëlle thanking me for the information and telling me that Fabien would be in touch once he had had the  time to look into it.

      I emailed Fabien again on the 23rd of April saying that I had not heard anything from Fabien concerning Andrews suggestions / the Buzzing noise problem.

      Again I received a response from Gaëlle explaining that they were very busy & that Fabien would be in touch soon.

      So far I have not heard anything from Fabien.

      Cheers Scudie.



    • #46181

      I was very tempted to buy it, and try to repair / restore the hideaway unit, the 5220 wallbox has been modified with a large  coin box added to the underside.

      To accommodate this part of the base of the cover has been cut away to allow the coins to drop from the original coin box into this larger box underneath.

      But  I think I have enough projects at the moment to keep me busy for a while & only a limited amount of time for my hobbies & also there is the issue of storage space.

      So I had to put my realistic head on.

      Cheers Scudie


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