RockOla 500/501 : random song trouble [SOLVED]

Home Forums Wallbox2mp3 installation RockOla 500/501 : random song trouble [SOLVED]

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    • #46805

      Hi all,

      I have bought 2 Wallbox2mp3. Both for a RockOla 500/501 wallbox.

      One works great. I switch on the wallbox and the wallbox2player. Altough it is configured to play only random, nothing happens. Than after I make a selection  it starts to play the selected song and than it goes on playing random. Perhaps a bit strange but I like the way it works .

      With the other wallbox it is not possible to make an selection. So the wallbox2mp3 must be configured to play random stand-alone. Thus when I switch on the wallbox and the wallbox2mp3, it must start to play random.

      When I tested the second wallbox2mp3 before building in, all worked as expected. Now when I glued it in the wallbox and power it up, the wallbox2mp3 only powers on. Nothing happens now.

      Does anyone knows what to do so that it starts to play random again ? (a reset ?) I already tried different SD cards and formatted them again.

      Thanks, Gerard

    • #46806

      Hi Gerard

      I am guessing that if it worked as you expected before you fitted it to the wallbox, it has to be that something has changed since fitting it?

      Why is it not possible to make a selection with the 2nd wallbox ?

      If you have two SD cards that are configured the same you could try swapping them. Cheers Scudie

    • #46807

      By this wallbox I need to build it in (in the other I could place the wallbox2mp3 outside the wallbox, so there I can use coins).

      This one (for a friend) must be build inside the wallbox. There is something wrong with the mechanisme, it’s stuck. That’s why it needs to play random (stand alone). Do you know if it still needs the 24 v AC connection besides the signal input ?

      That is the only difference.


    • #46808

      Hi Gerard

      Yes I think it will require the 25vac connection, the signal is a pulsed ground if the sd is configured for random selection I would think there should be no requirement for a signal.


    • #46809

      Hi Paul,

      I will try tomorrow. Will let you (all) know if that was/is the problem.

      Thanx Gerard

    • #46815

      If you’re not using the wallbox to make selections then you shouldn’t need the 24v power. All you need is the 5 volt power and speakers to run the wallbox2mp3 in random play only.

      Strange that you need to make a selection first in one of yours to get random play started. Never heard of that problem.

    • #46816

      Yeah, strange indeed. Shall format and rebuild the SD again and see if if starts playing random (the second wallbox2mp3). But I already tried that before.

      First thing I thought it does not need 25 vac, that’s why I asked if someone knew if it needed (and how) a reboot.

      But with the reply from Paul I hoped he was right. I will let you know. Thanks for the help.


    • #46817


      Tried everything but I do not know anymore.

      Tried the wallbox2mp3 to start up without SD card. Just turns on but no 2 flashes that is misses the SD card.

      Tried with a new sdcard formatted on FAT 16kb (windows), than configured it with the program. It build the sd card with 100 selections with always play V 1.3

      Started the wallbox2mp3 again and still nothing (also tried with the 25vac connected).

      I see only 1 red light turns on (a secondred light  should start after a few seconds) on the wallbox2mp3. The only conclusion I can think of is that this wallbox2mp3 is defect.

      If you also have no idea I shall contact retroelectronik.

      Thanks for your help.


    • #46820

      Sounds like a defective unit. Their quality control is a bit lacking. I received 3 units recently that were defective. The first one was probably damaged because the power supply was putting out double the voltage (10 volts instead of 5). The other two had a defective audio amplifier.  I’ve also heard of units with a diode installed backwards, and one where the remote volume control worked as a balance control instead. Good luck and let us know how it goes.

    • #46821

      It does sound like you may have a defective unit, as Steve said there has been problems with them I had a couple with the optocoupler fitted incorrectly, they swapped them fairly promptly.

      Although it’s something I have never done, I guess if you are running the unit only in random play mode it would not matter about the optocoupler.

      Let us know how you get on.



    • #46822

      Forgot to ad this to previous post,

      Or for that matter  the 25vac, as Steve pointed out.

      Cheers Paul

      • This reply was modified 5 years, 2 months ago by Scudie.
    • #46824

      I will contact the supplier next year :). I think it was already not good when it came out of the box.

      Will inform you about progress. Thanks for the help and very good and healthy 2020.


    • #46878


      Did contact retro-electronik (Gaelle). Directly a new unit was shipped to me, build it in and the problem was solved. It seems to work great with a few tests.

      Perfect service and thank you for your help.

      All the best, Gerard

    • #46879

      Hello Gerard

      Good to hear that you are all sorted and have your project up and running now.

      Any photos of them?

    • #46882

      Hi, here are the 2 walboxes. This is mine. You can switch it on, its just a lamp. When you make a selection it starts and after the selected record it continues to play random. I like the way it works this way, so I leave it this way.

      wallbox 1

    • #46883

      This is the one I made for a friend (with the new unit in it). It only plays random when switching it on. That’s what he wanted. Did not need the 25 V AC connection. On my speakers the sound is very good and loud. Mine works with the internal speakers from the wallbox.

      He is going to place it on a post with 2 speakers you got on American drive-in cinema’s. The one’s they placed near the car.

      wallbox 2

    • #46887

      The bi-lingual screen is nice, that’s different, great that the importer used the same police/font as US version.

    • #46892

      Hi Guys like the Rockola’s they do look the part, and the Dinosaur fuel pump,

      hope you have a copy of Alley  Oop on it?

      Whats a Police / Font?

      Cheers Scudie

    • #46895

      Hi, Alley Oop I only got on 78 RPM. On the wallbox I like Bobby Darin “Things” most. Gr. Gerard

    • #46909

      it’s really great Gerard 🙂

      I really like to see the photos of the achievements, it’s an incredible moment of sharing for us, not just sending a product 🙂 thank you

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