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    • #46502

      Nothing to win, just for the fun !


      What is it ?

    • #46503

      If I had to guess I would  say it could be a AMI w40.

      Am I close?


    • #46505

      OK, since no else is answering, Scudie : you win !

    • #46506

      What are your plans for it?  Have you had time to check it out? Does it work ?

      currently I have a wq200 that is on my desk it appears to have many issues!

      Cheers Scudie

    • #46507

      Didn’t have time to check, but seems complete.
      Some bulbs to change.

      It’s not supported by wallbox2mp3 card, so I’ll wait to find a 40 Selections Stepper for my AMI B in restoration. But I’m having difficulty with electricity. Maybe a bad ground or something else but can’t make selections.
      Motors and mechanism has been rebuilt by myself, and now it works mechanically.


      Before restoration :

    • #46508

      So how long have you had the B ? Do you have a good selection of records for it ? It will all be worth it when it’s done.

      So Did the jukebox come first?    Mine did then the  wallbox then another and it goes on!

      Cheers Scudie.

    • #46509

      Have the B since beginning of the year.
      Yes, I already have more than enough shellac for it. Mostly Rock’n’Roll.

      Always had something for 10″ record.
      And I love shellac, their recordings are better than anything else, if you have a proper setup.

      Jukebox came first, then wallboxes, then the B.

    • #46514

      So what’s the juke box ? Am guessing it has to be a 78rpm unit so chances are its 1940’s & probably 24 selections ?

      If I were to pick a 78 rpm machine I would have to be  either a Wurlitzer 1100 just because it’s so damn pretty, or a Seeburg M100 A , it must have stunned the opposition when it was unveiled with 100 selections.

      • This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by Scudie.
    • #46516

      The Ami B is 40 selections. Plays both sides. 1947.

      I had the choice between Seeburg Trashcan, Wurlitzer 1100 and the Ami B.

      It’s a question of taste and functionality.

    • #46517

      Sorry Klaatu my mistake,

      How I read it I thought you had two Jukebox’s the AMI B plus another.

      Are steppers for the B easy to find?

      Cheers Scudie

    • #46518

      No, no you’re right, my mistake.
      I have 2 juke.

      1st one : Seeburg AY160.

      Steppers seems hard to find, they were easy to get a few years ago but seems to varnish…

    • #46522

      I do admire the Seeburg jukebox’s , I almost bought 55′ V200

      They had some very clever guys working there ! To think in 55 they had an electronic memory system with the introduction of the tormat unit and when you think that the mechanism travers’s the records picks the record and spins it, & reverses the direction to play B sides using just a single A/C motor.

      I think in engineering terms they were the Rolls Royce of jukebox’s

      Unfortunately the planning department deemed it to big. So I had to choose between a 200 select Rockola Tempo one  or  a 57 Wurlitzer 2100 the Wurlitzer won, but I still do fancy a V200.

      A pal of mine will be going to Chicargo in October to a big jukebox fair, I could ask him to keep his eyes peeled for a AMI stepper if you wish?

      Cheers Scudie

    • #46523

      I won’t say no to a V200 or VL200.

      If your friend could have a look that would be great !!!

    • #46524

      I will have a chat with Mike about a stepper for your 1947 Ami B.

      Do you know what price you would expect to pay  ? as I have not had to buy a stepper, The 2100 has one as standard.

      I could tell Mike that you have a budget of  —— euros to spend.

      Cheers Scudie

    • #46525


      I’ve sent you an email 😉

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