Provision to play random songs in folders

Home Forums Suggestions Provision to play random songs in folders

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    • #46685

      I would like to create a folder such as sel001 which can hold songs which would be played randomly when that selection is made. You press A1 and if the firmware finds the corresponding folder name, instead of playing a single mp3 the songs in the folder are played randomly. This would allow a playlist to be played without the same order every time it is played.

    • #46687

      Great idea

      I guess as the wb2mp3 allready has a random feature albeit only a single track played  it should be possible.

      Perhaps this could be a feature the could be included on the replacement that is in development.


    • #46688

      The Walljuke does something like you’re after. If you select A1 it plays that selection and then plays all the other selections in random order continuously.

      I think the CD Adapter does something similar.

      • This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by Klaatu.
    • #46689

      What I’ve done with my Wallbox2mp3 adapter is to put a few greatest hits albums with lots of songs. They won’t play in random order of course but I have some with 5 hours of music.

    • #46691

      What I probably did not make clear is that every selection should be able to play a single song in the root directory or play all of the songs in a folder randomly. As such you could have as many folders as you have selections available. Every selection could be a single song, a collection of songs from a single artist, a genre, or any collection of songs that you wanted to play and each time you played them they would not play in the same order (true random). I currently use a program (such as merge mp3) which merges many MP3 files into a single file which allows me to create a playlist from a single selection. This is nice but adding the random feature without having to merge the files would be much better.

    • #46697


      yes, it’ll be available with the next version of the software ! 🙂

    • #46700

      That will be wonderful! Here is another detail you may consider. Some people will want a specific song playlist order so if a file of song names were found in the target folder the songs would be played in that order. If no playlist is found then the songs in the folder would be played randomly.

    • #46703

      Hello Richdon

      Did you see the question I posted about the credit unit in your 5250?

      Cheers Scudie

    • #46704

      Yes but right now I am not up to taking my wallbox apart. Is it possible to PM other users from the forum?

    • #46709

      Ok no problem,  not sure that any of the regular users of the forum have a 5250.

      Cheers Scudie

    • #46718

      Another feature of the random play from folders could be the ability to set the number of songs that would play for each selection. For example you could have 100 songs in a folder and each time you made the selection for that folder 10 songs would play randomly for each time you made that selection. If you wanted 20 of the selections in that folder to play randomly then you would make that selection twice. The number of selections played could be set in a configuration file in the folder containing the selections.

    • #46734

      Yet another detail that could make the random selections work better. Non repeating random. If a limited number of selections were allowed for each selection the selections played would be tracked so that the next time that selection was made none of the songs would be repeated. This would require that the random playlist would be saved on the SD disk or on non-volatile memory on the converter. When all of the selections in that folder were played a new true random list would be generated.

    • #46761

      I’m still installing my wallbox so I haven’t had a chance to try out the features or software (still trouble shooting the sd card) but this is my dream random option, I’ll use my Seeburg 3wa (200) as the example.

      1. A true randomization of all 200 selections when a selection hasn’t been played. And not repeat a song until they have all played once in that powered on cycle.

      2. Allow random, unassigned mp3s to be placed in the root folder, so you can’t select them from the wallbox because they aren’t on a title strip, but have wallbox2mp3 play them during the random mode when no one makes a selection on the wallbox.

      3. Allow a playlist, like .m3u or something to be assigned to a title strip and have a checkbox to allow one of the following options for EACH title strip:

      A. Play entire playlist when selected in order

      B. Play only one random selection from playlist

      C. Play entire playlist but shuffle files when playing


      Sorry if some of this is already possible! So excited to use it! Thanks!

    • #46778

      A possibility for choosing the number of random tracks to be played would be to allow a second selection that was made within 5 seconds of the first to determine how many random tracks were to be played from the just selected folder. For example, if you pressed A5 which was set up with a folder of tracks to be played randomly you could then press A6 within 5 seconds of the buttons releasing and that would select 6 tracks to be played from the folder just selected. A5 would play 5 tracks, A0 would play 10 tracks, B5 would play 15 tracks, etc. If nothing was selected within 5 seconds then a default number of tracks, say 10, would be played. If no additional selection was made within 5 seconds then the normal selection process would be resumed. If a selection was made that was not set up for random play then there would be no 5 second delay needed before making an additional selection.

    • #46797

      I like the idea of choosing the order by having a naming order or having it random if the songs aren’t numbered. This is going to be an awesome feature. Keep up the great work!

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