Missing songs 3WA

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    • #47947


      v1.5 here. It’s an amazing little gadget that lets me enjoy what was just a show piece, now plays music.

      Problem is I either lose A1-V1 or A0-V0 depending upon the naming of the M20.sel file. When I lose 10 songs, they are duplicated by the next 10 (for the 1 songs) and the previous 10 (for the zero songs). I can’t be the only one with this problem, but no one is complaining, so there must be a resolution to the issue. Any one have any ideas?

    • #47948

      Well, I’ll be interested in the resolution of this one as well.  I have a 3WA that I plan to use a V1.5 on but it’s still a little way down the lineup on the bench.

      When did you receive your V1.5?  Pre or post issue resolution (some of the earlier ones were problematic)?

      What do you mean by “naming of the M20.sel file”?  Changing the M(to 10 or some other #).sel?

      I’m guessing you posted this a a few days ago and it is just now showing up, there have been problems with visibility on the forum.

      • This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by Randy.
    • #47950

      Hi folks

      I have not had a V1.5 connected to a 3WA only an older unit either a 1.3 or 1.4, I dont remember having any issues with the song selections my self with the the 3wa.

      I have had a couple of Seeburgs where a wire has broken off the underside of the pulse generating disc.

      Unless you have already done so I would start by checking that the 3wa is creating the correct pulse for each of the 200 selections.

      Cheers Scudie



    • #47952

      Hi guys thanks for taking the time to read my post.

      i’m new at this game. But I’m trying to take the time to learn how these things work. I’ve mapped out each pin to its corresponding pad on the disk. I’m fairly certain that there are no broken wires as each pad changes from 0 to 24 V depending upon which button is pushed I have attached the mapping of these ports.

      Initially I thought that the problem was a broken wire as well. However I can make the selections change from the first 190 songs to the last 190 songs always missing either the first 10 or the last 10 depending upon which setting I have in the M20.sel file. Altering the File name of the M 20.SEL file seems to change the letter selected up or down depending upon the value selected. However, I still can only get either the first 190 songs for the last 190 songs to play never the 200.


      file name of the M 20.SEL file seems to change the letter selected up or down depending upon the value selected. However, I still can only get either the first 190 songs for the last 190 songs to play never the 200.

      Gaelle has assisted me with a suggestion to try adding a 50.3wa, but it does not seem to have any effect at all.

      I’ve had my V.15 for about a week now. I do not see any date code information, but there may be something so screen onto the board. I’ll have to check.


      I’ve had my V.15 for about a week now. I do not see any date code information, but there may be something silkscreened onto the board. I’ll have to check.

      Once again thank you for any thoughts that you may have I’m sure that will be able to resolve this.

    • #47954

      Just had a thought I seem to remember some one saying that to correct a problem on a Wurlitzer they had numbered the selections 10 to 210 instead of 1 to 200.

      If your happy that the 3wa is creating the correct signal for each selection , it might be worth trying altering the way your files are numbered on your SD card?

      Cheers Scudie

    • #47955

      OK, the .sel file should be M##.sel    no space.  My Wurlitzer 5220 200 play makes the correct 200 selections with M30.sel.

      Maybe try M30.sel or M10.sel

      Since you have only had the emulator a week you should have the new and improved version.



    • #47951

      Hi guys thanks for taking the time to read my post.

      i’m new at this game. But I’m trying to take the time to learn how these things work. I’ve mapped out each pin to its corresponding pad on the disk. I’m fairly certain that there are no broken wires as each pad changes from 0 to 24 V depending upon which button is pushed I have attached the mapping of these ports.

      Initially I thought that the problem was a broken wire as well. However I can make the selections change from the first 190 songs to the last 190 songs always missing either the first 10 or the last 10 depending upon which setting I have in the M20.sel file. Altering the File name of the M 20.SEL file seems to change the letter selected up or down depending upon the value selected. However, I still can only get either the first 190 songs for the last 190 songs to play never the 200.


      file name of the M 20.SEL file seems to change the letter selected up or down depending upon the value selected. However, I still can only get either the first 190 songs for the last 190 songs to play never the 200.

      Gaelle has assisted me with a suggestion to try adding a 50.3wa, but it does not seem to have any effect at all.

      I’ve had my V.15 for about a week now. I do not see any date code information, but there may be something so screen onto the board. I’ll have to check.


      I’ve had my V.15 for about a week now. I do not see any date code information, but there may be something silkscreened onto the board. I’ll have to check.

      Once again thank you for any thoughts that you may have I’m sure that will be able to resolve this.

      Buttons to pad mapping on disk

      Numeric button mappings

      Alpha button assignments



    • #47953

      Selection disk number letters assignments

      Alpha buttonsNumber buttons


    • #47959

      I had the same problem with my Wurlitzer 5250, where by when I made the selection  A1 what actually played would be the track that was allocated to D1 so was completely missing the first 30 tracks, so by the time I got to any of the T,U or V selections there was no tracks left, because when S zero was selected it had played the track allocated to V zero.

      Initially I thought it may have been a fault on the 5250 but concluded it was a software issue after trying a known good 5210 with the wb2mp3 & having the same issues.

      At the time the M##sel file option was not available, so I ended up after much trial & error configuring the sd for a Rockola 1555 & then changing the way that the 5250 pages are numbered (numerical ) to the way that the 5210’s were numbered (alphabetical)

      I agree with Randy if you have only had the unit a week it should be one of the latest spec with the problems sorted.

      Cheers Scudie

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