Buckley Music Box Build

Home Forums Your work Buckley Music Box Build

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    • #47437

      Retroelectronik sent me one of the first V1.5 Packard/Buckley emulators, here is the setup I came up with.  Volume is controlled by the drive-in speaker pots.B1

      • This topic was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by Randy.
    • #47438


    • #47439

    • #47441

      Forgot the video


    • #47458

      Good Morning Randy

      Realy like the look of the wallbox / drive in combination.

      I see that you mounted the wb2mp3 inside your Buckley, are the transformer / power supply inside the speaker junction box or external.

      Were you able to keep the Buckley coin operated as in the video?

      I fancy a pinball machine myself but it’s just a space thing for me that’s the problem.

      I guess I could convert the attic to a toy room!

      Cheers Scudie


    • #47459

      Hey Scudie, well the Packard/Buckley function is a little different from three wire boxes.

      These were originally 30 or so wire boxes and there is no motorized stepper.  They were 24 volt powered but with the Packard/Buckley emulator they can work with just the 5v adapter that comes with the emulator.

      I was able to squeeze the emulator inside the box without removing anything. and get the 5v adapter inside the pole below the speaker junction box.

      The emulator is signaled by the coin micro-switch so the coin acceptance system must function correctly for this version of the emulator.

      The original light bulbs were  24 volt and must be replaced with 6v.  There were two originally, I added a third to the wallbox and two to the junction box.

      Neat little unit but limited song selection of course.






    • #47460

      Hi Randy

      Yes all of these things have there limitations, We are now if you ask me spoilt for choice, with Spotify and smart speaker systems such Alexa & similar setups where the Internet has an infinite choice of music for people to listen to both in there homes and on the move.

      We currently have 3 Seeburg SC1 Wallboxes I admit that they are not the prettiest of things but with 160 selections and built in speakers they make a great stand alone unit. We have one In the kitchen, one in the garage and garden shed that hangs outside when the weather is good enough, so occasionally I swap the SD and page units around so we get a different choice.

      I did do a Rowe Ami WRA 200 which in my opinion is visually better than the Seeburgs & also has the benefit of built in speakers and 200 selections, the downside of it being that it does not have a flat base so does not sit correctly on any flat surface, so I had to fabricate a stand for it .

      I didn’t get chance to get bored with the choices on the WRA as a pal of mine talked me into parting with it a few weeks after completing it.

      Does your Wurlitzer have its own speakers ? I have seen some with & some without. Once you have that finished you will have much more choice of music.

      Cheers Scudie

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