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Tagged: Credit Accumulator bypass
- This topic has 24 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 4 years, 1 month ago by
3 January 2021 at 19 h 36 min #48252
ParticipantJust picked up an AMI / Rowe WRA-200 that looks to be in great shape… except it appears to be missing the Credit Accumulator. Before I go crazy looking for one I want to make sure that is what is necessary to send the signals to the WallBox2MP3 device.
Doors this also contain the connection points for 24v or is that on the terminal block?
3 January 2021 at 22 h 09 min #48253
ParticipantWell, I have a functioning WRA on the wall and when I disconnect the credit accumulator is will still play songs on a SD formatted for random play.
Not sure if you will be able to select songs, I have not tried to put this unit in free play and do not know if a missing accumulator will affect that.
The pwr/grd/sig are all on the terminal block.
3 January 2021 at 23 h 37 min #48254
Participant -
3 January 2021 at 23 h 46 min #48255
ParticipantHi Randy,
Thanks for the reply.
The random music is a function of the Wallbox2Mp3 unit and does not require input from the wallbox. In fact, it triggers only after a period of no activity from the wallbox.
Maybe you can explain how it functions? When you deposit a coin, does this unit tally a credit? Does it also rotate a disk that sends codes to the Wallbox2MP3 unit to play your song? I posted a photo of the unit i think i need. Does it match yours? Do you see anything else missing from the photo of my unit I posted?
Thank you!
4 January 2021 at 1 h 33 min #48256
ParticipantAh right, from your question about the 24v connection I thought you might be concerned that you would lose power to the rest of the box without it.
From the picture it appears that the accumulator is the only thing missing besides the wiring and light socket for the service call button. The accumulator in the picture looks like the correct assembly.
Of course the signal motor and commutator are behind the key pad and not visible.
So when you deposit coins that plastic L shaped arm on top rotates clockwise (accumulating) and when a song is selected it rotates counter clockwise until no credits remain. The one in the picture is at or near maximum credits – for mine it is 30 max.
The signal generator is, I believe, the commutator behind the keypad that rotates when a selection is made.
Maybe you can jump some of the pins on the accumulator connector to simulate a credit signal to the commutator?
Good luck!
4 January 2021 at 2 h 16 min #48257
ParticipantSo what pins do the 24VAC go on?
4 January 2021 at 2 h 36 min #48258
ParticipantIt is listed in the V1.5 manual in the support section but the CDAdapter manual is more defined –
4 January 2021 at 23 h 30 min #48259
ParticipantHello Richbooth
The WRA can be made to work without the credit unit, I did one a couple of years ago and removed the credit unit to make space for a AC transformer. The WRA worked fine with the emulator without the credit unit.
I know that to make the WRA free play as Randy says it was just a matter of fitting a jumper wire between two of the terminals on the credit unit connector off the top of my head I can’t remember which ones. A pal of mine had the WRA off of me & I am not sure if I still have the credit unit or not, would have to have a look.
I would have thought by looking at that picture of the credit unit and the wiring diagram it should be possible to work it out which wires to jump.
Cheers Scudie
5 January 2021 at 2 h 12 min #48260
Thanks for the photo. The bumper from #2 to #4 is what got me.
Now, if I put the mirror into credit position, the buttons work and it will cycle.
Thank you for your info on the credit unit. So if I understand the credit unit accumulator function is to tally the coins deposited and if there are credits allow buttons to push and songs to play. So without jumping it out, nothing will work, with jumpering out it can only work on free play?
5 January 2021 at 7 h 15 min #48261
Participant[Reposted correcting auto correct]
Thanks for the photo. The jumper from #2 to #4 is what got me.
Now, if I put the motor into credit position, the buttons work and it will cycle.
<p style=”text-align: left;”>Scudie,</p>
Thank you for your info on the credit unit. So if I understand the credit unit accumulator function is to tally the coins deposited and if there are credits allow buttons to push and songs to play. So without jumping it out, nothing will work, with jumpering out it can only work on free play? -
5 January 2021 at 8 h 16 min #48262
ParticipantPretty sure that is correct – without a accumulator it is only free play.
With an accumulator you can always open the box up and manually spin the lever to 30 credits which is virtual free play (if you don’t need the space for the power source).
I prefer a working slug rector/coins to play. On the WRA it is easy to retrieve the coins or spin up the accumulator.
Of course in your case, with out the assembly, it would be cheaper to opt for free play.
Good luck!
5 January 2021 at 16 h 09 min #48263
ParticipantAfter an exhaustive search. I have come up dry. I am unable to locate either a pinout diagram or instructions to bypass the credit accumulator. Does anyone have instructions?
5 January 2021 at 23 h 19 min #48264
ParticipantHi Richbooth
Did you find the manual for the WRA/ B/C in the support section of this site ?
I am positive that it’s there as I have just taken a look, now this is only a suggestion that you may wish to check out before trying it out !
I think from looking in the manual that if I was you firstly I would check terminals 10 & 14 of the credit unit plug to see if either of them are live, I don’t think they will be but I could be wrong if neither of them are live try putting a wire from terminal 10 to 14 according to the manual they are numbered 1- 14 left to right on the plug.
If correct the wiper arm behind the letter and number keys should advance from the home position to the credit position, where you should then be able to press in one letter and one number. The wiper will then revolve once and should stop again at the credit position.
Again please check the wiring diagram in the manual before jumping any wires.
By the way where in the world are you ?
Cheers Scudie
5 January 2021 at 23 h 32 min #48265
ParticipantHi Scudie,
Thanks for the reply. I just figured out the two connections to jumper. They are the Black and Orange. With the open end of the connector facing you, and the wires on the bottom, the slot is facing you. It would be the second from the right connected to the Fitch from the right. See photo.
I’m in the State of RI USA, Eastern Time Zone. About 50 miles outside of Boston, MA. Where are you?
6 January 2021 at 8 h 16 min #48266
ParticipantMorning Richbooth
Are those 10 & 14?
I didn’t take any reference of the colours of the wires, does it work?
Nottinghamshire England.
Cheers Scudie
6 January 2021 at 16 h 16 min #48267
ParticipantGood afternoon, Scudie,
Yes. It works a treat!
I’m not certain where pin 1 is, but the correct pins are 10 and 13 left to right or 2 and 5 right to left.
1 1 1 1 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4
| |
Hopefully. This will help the next guy that is looking to do this.I still am going to install a credit accumulator. I like to have them work as a functioning coin bank and MP3 player.
I now have 3 restored and working boxes:
Seeburg: 3WA (200 play)
Seeburg: SC2 (200 play)
AMI/Rowe: WRA-200 (200 play)I need to purchase a couple more Wallbox2Mp3 devices. But need to save some pennies, first.
6 January 2021 at 16 h 25 min #48268
ParticipantNo! That last post correctly! See the photo I’ve attached.
6 January 2021 at 21 h 02 min #48269
ParticipantHi Richbooth
If you had been in Europe I would have offered you the credit unit for the price of the postage If I can find it ! but as your on the other side of the pond you will probably find it cheaper to source one locally, as in my experience shipping from the states to England is eye watering.
Should you decide to leave it in free play and want the pricing indicator lamps iluminated in the top of the machine try jumping 6 to 1&2.
Did you see this in the manual?
Cheers Scudie
6 January 2021 at 21 h 22 min #48270
ParticipantJust wondering
When looking at the colours of the wires on the credit unit plug in the manual it has 10 as being Pink and 13 as Green 14 White & Yellow, strange that yours are Black & Orange.
On a different note could you possibly explain how you managed to get 200 selections out of a Seeburg SC 2 👍
Cheers Scudie
7 January 2021 at 2 h 10 min #48271
ParticipantHi Scudie,
Much thanks for the credit offer. I have one on the way. A bit more than I wanted to spend, but will be glad when it it installed.
As for 200 selections on an SC2, it’s easy. When you post it in a forum, just put (200) instead of (160) and there you go! Actually it is 20 letters x 8 numbers=160 selections. Good catch.
I took a better photo of the connector and the colors you stated are indeed correct. I also noticed the connector has numbers molded into the plastic. It is correct at 10 (Pink) and 13 (Green). I have posted a close up of the connector identifying the pins to bridge.
Thank you for your assistance along the way.
7 January 2021 at 23 h 22 min #48272
ParticipantHi Richbooth
Just as a matter of interest did you try jumping 10 & 14 ?
if you didn’t would you mind trying it just to satisfy my curiosity ?
Had a bit of a look through a box of Seeburg spares tonight to see if the WRA credit unit had been stored with them, I am guessing that my pal who bought the WRA off of me took the credit unit also.
Are you going to wall mount the WRA ? Or sit it on a worktop or shelf?
I had guessed that was the case regarding the extra 40 selections, have not personally had an SC2 although I did have a SC1 with what I think was an SC2 cover fitted, this had been very badly painted a nasty shade of brown.
Glad we were able to help a little with your WRA👍
Cheers Scudie
8 January 2021 at 8 h 11 min #48273
ParticipantMy ebay ordered credit accumulator arrived today, but did not fit. I suspect it was for a juke box, not a wall box.
<p style=”text-align: left;”>Sure I will try jumping 10 & 14 and will report back.</p>
Interesting yours was painted “bile brown”… must be a requirement. The back of mine was also painted the same color. I suspect it was done post factory, because the waitress light in the back was painted over. They also covered the selection choices in black tape that ruined the original, so I’ve taken to experimenting with printing color laser on transparent plastic to make a suitable replacement. It’s close, most wouldn’t notice. I do, I’m a perfectionist. 😉
<p style=”text-align: left;”>So far, my plan is to wall mount it in the basement rec room. My SC2 is in my office on the desk. I attached some sticky back felt to keep it from scratching. It looks nice and is definitely a conversation starter.</p>
Thanks for your assistance along the way. I’ll get back to you on 10-14 jump. -
8 January 2021 at 22 h 39 min #48274
ParticipantHi Richbooth
I believe most WRA’s had the rear section painted brown from the factory, mine certainly was, although when I converted it I chose to paint the rear section black, as it was my preference & I had some gloss black spay paint. I have also seen them finished in white as I believe a chain of diners in th U.S had ordered them in white as part of there corporate image .
However my comment in the previous post about the cover being badly painted brown, was infact in reference to the first Seeburg SC1 I picked up, underneath the awful brown paint was what had once been either a copper or gold coloured cover, I am sure it had never been a chrome finish, so had assumed the cover was either an SC2 or an SC4 as I believe the SC3 to be the brown and back enamelled model.
Sorry to hear that your credit unit didn’t fit, have you managed to find a replacement?
If not I have used a guy in California a few times when I required spares.
Bill Butterfield
His business is called Musical Fun For Everyone he has been very helpful in the past.
Cheers Scudie
9 January 2021 at 3 h 27 min #48277
Don’t ever let anyone tell you you don’t know what you’re talkin about when it comes to these wall box things .
First: That 10 to 14 jumper thing Absolutely works as well. I wonder if one of them is for a standard selection and one of them is for a Premium Selection. Is that possible ?
Second : Your suggested source for a credit accumulator is exactly where I purchased the one I got . Unfortunately, It turns out it was the wrong size. I suspect that it Was for a jukebox and not a wall box. He was not happy when I contacted him to let him know it didn’t fit.
I’ve tried to post this several times and it didn’t go. Hopefully this will!
9 January 2021 at 10 h 18 min #48278
ParticipantMorning Richbooth
The only time that I bought something off of Bill and they didn’t fit was when I ordered a set of title page springs for a 200 select Wurlitzer, when I emailed him he refunded the price of the springs & told me to keep them.
Sometimes he can come over as a bit abrupt, may be just pot luck how you catch him.
I was told that he has been involved with jukebox parts since God was a lad! & that at one time he travelled all over the states buying both used machines & new old stock.
Has he got the correct part for your WRA?
Pleased to hear that the 10 to 14 also worked.
Cheers Scudie
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