The price of the wallbox2mp3 V1.4 change,
be careful, those bought in promotion will not be part of our
exchange program against v2
The price of the wallbox2mp3 V1.4 change,
be careful, those bought in promotion will not be part of our
exchange program against v2
A new version of sotware and documentation are available
Thank you so much to Michiel, Scudie, Klaatu and Mike which contribute voluntarily to the software and the product, for translations, tests, the forum and suggestions.
We are also adding a German translation, thank you so much to Robert Lücking !
that’s it, our wallbox2mp3 v1.5 and prototypes of V2 have (finally) arrived !! Still be patient just a little bit 😉 , we need to do the assembly and test them but they will soon be available again!
That’s it, a new version is available, v1.5 !!
The new V1.5 wallbox2mp3 released manages the sound a completely new way ; The sound is now digitally managed until it arrives to its amp / jack output ,so it’s fully protected against Electromagnetic Interference ,it’s also protected by much more audio filters. The sound doesn’t go any more throughout the remote pot ribbon but has been replaced by a simple current , so you can use a very long remote pot cable ( up to 150 inches,more than 400 inches using an higher wire gauge ) without any consequence on sound quality.
Moreover the sound amplifier is much more powerfull and can act as a class D ( better efficiency ) or a class AB ( to sum up better sound quality ) audio amplifier
While waiting for our v2 which should be released in the coming months… ..
New design and new features are exploited on our website www.wallbox2mp3.com !
These small changes mark our return to the site to answer your questions.
If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment just below!
I’ve previously written that we’ve missed “Rock around the Jukebox” at Rosemalen (Netherlands) .
Actually we were on the waiting list and only 3 days before the event,it was clear for us that we couldn’t exhibit at the most famous exhibition in Europe.
But we’ve received a call that has delighted us 🙂
We’ve obtained A small (but precious) place of 3 meters and we will be there !!!!
We will have to improvise as we have only two days to organize the event (it’s a bit short), but at least we will be there!
Come and see our wallboxes operating and if you’ve already purchased a wallbox2mp3, bring it and we’ll update it to the new V1.3 for free! It is for us the opportunity to gather your opinions, your ideas, etc …. And even if you’re not interested by our wallbox2mp3, this show is definitely the best I’ve never seen !!!
For more informations, the official website of the organizers is here:
– The ability to have a continuous background music play selected randomly when you make no selection, ideal when you drink a beer at home with friends 🙂
– An extended compatibility list with new wallboxes.And as much of our customers have asked us,this new version is compatible with wallboxes Rowe Ami WRA, WRB and WRC, but also much others wallboxes !
The new full compatibility list is available in the support section of the site.
– A new improved way to manage random musics when no choice is made that’s more …. “Randomly”.
– The new wallbox2mp3’software now allows you to change the order of your selections according to your wishes
– It offers you to print a summary of the order of your selections along with your labels to keep the thread when labels were cut.
– It incorporates the new features of the wallbox2mp3’s hardware with new wallboxes, the ability to choose a random continuous music, etc …
It is available for download today in the software section and still free to use !
Unfortunately,we’ve not been able to have a place for Rosemalen in October,but Sylvain that never miss Rosemalen’s exhibition will be there. So if you need more informations or to buy a wallbox2mp3 system,you’ll be able to meet him this week end.If you want to meet him,You can call at : 00336 64 91 39 70 .
He’ll bring a couple of new wallbox2mp3 V1.3 system with a bigger compatibility list ( now including for example the famous Rowe Ami WRA,WRB and WRC ).
Have a nice Week end !
Located in France, in the Sarthe, between Paris and Le Mans, near the A11 motorway,
the museum of mechanical music is a great place to go.
Its goal is to present a collection of musical instruments covering a period from 1800 to the 60's.
Obviously, you will discover an incredible amount of rare mechanisms in perfect condition.
But even more,it's the framework that will delight you. Indeed, the museum doesn't just give you
an endless inventory of exceptions mechanisms,but it also places them in the context of the time.
Thus, within the museum, you will enter in a cinema of the 20s fully restored and you'll enjoy a drink
in a bar of the 30s.
In short, the museum offer you a getaway outside of time.
You will see music boxes, phonographs, etc ....
But you'll also find juboxes and wallboxes
It has notably the famous Scopitone, the 1st Jukebox able to display movies!
We met Mr Corbin, the Director of the museum, while our wallbox2mp3 was in development. Such
a passionnate couldn't accept that some of its wallbox couldn't play music as he didn't have the
compatible jukebox.
As he is dramaticaly competent, he had associated with our project and helped us to improve
our wallbox2mp3 in many ways.
He has done an excellent tutorial about installing the Wallbox2mp3 in Wurlitzer Fernwhal Box 160 .
This tutorial is available in the support section of our website.
For more information about the museum or if you want to plan your trip, visit the museum's website:
One of the rooms from the museum that we loved (you can see on the wall a Wurlitzer Fernwhal
Box 160 equipped with our wallbox2mp3) :