Getting Started

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    • #47961

      Hi All,

      Finally Received my emulator but no information or guide about how to go about setting it up etc, I’ve downloaded the Java Program so that’s ok, I  will be getting my SD cards today, my music is located in windows 10 media centre, which I have not used for downloading before, if anyone has used it and can give advice on best way to go about it, it will be appreciated, Thanks in advance.


    • #47962

      Have you downloaded the manual here :

    • #47963

      Good Evening Doogle

      The user manual for the V1.5 is available to view / print in the Support section on this website.

      There may be quicker / easier / better ways of building a play list for your wallbox but this is how I go about it.

      The method I use to create a playlist for the SD card is

      1 Create a new folder in documents and name it i.e. Wallbox playlist.

      2 Open windows media player and choose an album that contains a  track that you want, left click to  highlight the required track, right click on the track which will open a drop box at the bottom of the list is Open file location, click on open file location once it as opened the location right click on the required file, in the drop box click on copy.

      3 Go to documents open the folder that you created in step one, right click & click paste, you should now have one MP3 track in the folder.

      Once you get the hang of it it’s quite straight forward, keep adding subsequent required tracks to the folder in the same manner untill you have the required amount of tracks for your particular wallbox.

      Hope this helps


    • #47964

      Hi Klaatu,

      Thank you for your reply and download information

      regards doogle.

    • #47965

      Hi Scudie,

      Thank you for your reply and the excellent explanation on setting up files, I am going to start today and feel a lot more prepared to tackle it, so thanks again.

      regards doogle.

    • #47966

      Hi Scudie,

      Doing great thanks to your instructions got files all download into SD card, and ready to print sorted colour etc but can’t see a print start button, do I have to do something else, TIA.

      regards doogle

    • #47967

      Hi Doogle

      So you have your selected MP3 files & got them on to your SD card, and chosen a colours / fonts for your title strips, at the bottom of the page there should be a box with Build title strips in PDF,  did you click on that ? If not click on it it will open another box that will ask you to name the file, once you have named it click on the save box.

      You should get a congratulations message saying your PDF file is done click ok

      It should open the PDF  showing the title strip pages themselves plus a selection sheet. If it doesn’t open automatically go to documents find the PDF file and open it.

      Take the time to check through the title strips for errors and spelling mistakes.

      Once your happy with them there’s a print option at the top of the screen.

      Cheers Scudie

      • This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by Scudie.
    • #47969

      Hi Scudie,

      Thanks again for your reply, I thought that was how it should be it seems the title strip page is large and not revealing bottom of page, can’t seem to reduce its size, as you can guess I’m not very good with computers, will keep at it, I’m pleased to have got this far. Thanks.

      regards doogle.

    • #47970

      Hi Scudie,

      Ive sussed it turned computer screen to landscape and it just revealed start printing, it’s doing it now, so all good,

      regards doogle.

    • #47971

      Good to hear that your now sorted, perhaps when you have got it all together you could post some photos, show us what you have been creating.

      If your interested there is a way to pair up tracks that are by a common artist so when the title cards are produced they are as they would have been on a Jukebox with an A side & B side.

      Cheers Scudie

    • #47972

      Thanks Scudie yes will be a while I’m waiting on my transformer to come was let down on delivery but will be here Tuesday, would be interested in how to pair singers sounds useful, I will take photographs when finished, just made up I’ve got my SD card sorted, take care.

      regards doogle.

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